Hank Dank's Mulligan: Organic Soil LST - 60DayWonder + Northern Lights Auto


Well-Known Member
no i actually have not read any of that, thanx for throwing that up there. I have'nt found much info on autos till now. My lights are about 6-7 inches away tops. His did look a few sets of leaves further along than mine does for sure, but he is rocking 250 more watts than me too.


Well-Known Member
no i actually have not read any of that, thanx for throwing that up there. I have'nt found much info on autos till now. My lights are about 6-7 inches away tops. His did look a few sets of leaves further along than mine does for sure, but he is rocking 250 more watts than me too.
Glad it could help:) IT could be the lighting but this is a pic of mine at day 13 and i only had one 26w cfl on it. Maybe a dwarf pheno or a late bloomer? Might take off on ya.



Well-Known Member
wonder if its my temps making it grow slower? i do run in the lower 70s and about 63-64 soon after the lights go out


Well-Known Member
wonder if its my temps making it grow slower? i do run in the lower 70s and about 63-64 soon after the lights go out
Thats probably it. I think 63 is pretty low so it could be stunting growth. You notice growth everyday? Could just be focusing on roots right now..


Well-Known Member
oh yeah theres daily growth for sure its not a whole lot but it is noticeable. I know this is my first grow im not expecting to have the best yield as im sure ill run into other problems before they actually get harvested, im sure nothing i wont be able to work thru though.


Well-Known Member
I think i read somewhere tho that with cooler temps under HPS you control the stretching between nodes, but perhaps its slowing the growth all together


Well-Known Member
Maybe you could lower your hps. Take your thermometer and somehow put the sensor at plant height. There is no exact distance between the light and your plants you need to be at. Use the hand test to see whats hot. If its 73 in there you might be able to go closer. Ive been as close as 4'' from mine without burning.


Well-Known Member
yeah let me try that i might raise the plants up an in or two, i have the thermometer sitting at plant level already.


Active Member
wow hank, i must say good lookin setup you got goin on.. i would def lower the lights a little, i dont know ANYTHING about autos but now tell me if this makes sense or not.. my theory on why u get slow growth; since it being an auto flower strain, wouldn't it be better for the plant to grow a healthy/strong root system before growing up tall and fat since it doesnt have a veg/flower cycle?? IMHO i would just wait and see whats going on.. i want to keep up with ur thread cuz i wanna get some autos for my personal use.. for germ, i soaked my bean in a shot glass for 1 day, than i sandwiched it between 2 wet paper towels in the dark for 48 hrs, after about day 3 of seedling growth, i kept it humid for 3 days at about 79 degrees and about 80% humidity, and if you look at my baby girl now, i have to tie her down DAILY!

good work on the box, you shed new "light" on my set up im building, the dule intake/exhaust to a y pipe is genius, im going to be running a 400W digi switchable so i know i need to work on my cooling.. as of now im controling the heat in my closet with some frozen bottles of poland spring water placed by my fan.. i know its ghetto and gangstaa, but its working lol...

thanks for stoppin by my thread to tell me about the beans.. i will def keep up with ur AWESOME grow..


Well-Known Member
Hey joey thanks for stopping by bro, I think your honestly quite correct with its being good that the growth is perhaps slower, like you and mech said, the roots are probably doing alot of the growing right now, which is good with me. I still see growth daily tho which im enjoying. The intake and exhaust are super important let me tell you. I think using two of the inline duct booster fans with the Y pipes would work perfectly for smaller grow setups like ours, plus you can get them with a power cord that u can just plug right in, no need to hard wire anything like mine is currently with the 12v pc fans. Keep checkin in for sure, should be an interesting grow to watch. Since i chose autos for my first grow i cant really compare how they perform against photoperiods but i like that they should stay short, and can harvest in a relatively short time, atleast thats how they advertise them. Which i've seen some journals growing side by side and the autos did harvest a good month earlier

Right now im trying to figure out when i should start to LST, anyone got an idea on this let me know.
#1 has some slight edge of the leafs curling upwards just a bit, im not sure if this is heat stress or slight nutes stress from me adding the bio root and seaweed the other day when i watered it.
I think regardless tho it won't slow her down much if it does'nt get any worse.
They are looking good, im just wondering how tall they are going to get, i should have the space to work with still just need to LST properly.


Well-Known Member
Just throwing up some more pics, looks like we got a little more growth. Im wanting to try and record the growth every few days through out.

#1 looking better

#2 looking good also


Active Member
I would start the lst sa soon as you have a healthy (maybe 3 leaf sites maybe a lil earlier) wait for her to get about 5-6 in first than start tieing her down orelse ur plant will look like mine. The whole point on lst is to keep it short and bushy. But it also depends on how tall u want ur plant. If I were you. After u see the second leaf set, top it, so u get 2 colas. Than start LST ON THE LOWER BRANCHES than when the main colas grow 2 nodes long start the lst on them or keep topping. It's like a hydra, cut of one head 2 more grow back. The idea of screen of green just u control the height of the canopy IMO I could be wrong of the whole lst post. But I'm sure it's pretty much right. I hope this helps. Since it's an auto, I would start the lst at like day 20 or earlier. Depends on how fast and tall she gets. Tie her down to how you want your bush to look and how u think YOU would get max yield. But u got my .02 and +rep for u I'm subscribed. Love and peace, Joey bozz


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up Joey, thank you sir +rep back to you for the tips. Something i've learned why roaming around RIU and the google is that you do not want to top an auto, as topping adds a stress that takes a few days to a week recovery time...and as you know, you want as little stress applied to an auto since its going to die off around the 70-80 day mark. But i think what im going to do, is im using the light source to pull #1, over towards the outer rim of the bucket sort of naturally starting the lst process, once its close to the rim, im going to tie it near the edge, then start to lst it back over and towards the other side of the pot to create a bansai effect, and when #2 starts getting taller i'll do the same with her


Well-Known Member
Hey Hank, I was wondering what happened to your 60DW. Looks like you have a whole new grow goin now? I'll stop by later and read the whol thread, Gotta go to class now


Well-Known Member
Hey Hank, I was wondering what happened to your 60DW. Looks like you have a whole new grow goin now? I'll stop by later and read the whol thread, Gotta go to class now
Hey napa whats up man, yeah if you read the thread you'll see the 60dw i had messed the taproot on died on me, and the other seed didnt germinate, so now im growing the two NL autos i have. Good to see ya, hit me up later


Well-Known Member
starting to kind of think now tho that my plants probably wont get to much bigger than they are now, maybe twice the size im going to guess. Ones nearly 20 days old, should be showing sex before to long, the onlys right behind her so, im guessing this grow im not going to get more than a 1/4 but ill hope for more. Atleast the industrial plant bean i have isn't an auto, im going to veg it out till its big and bushy, then just run a perpetual of clones for a while


Active Member
I like the bonsai idea. If u look at my pics I believe it's on the first page of my thread, I tried that but I bent the botch in half. But as you can see from the later pics, penny is doing just fine. Good call on topping the autos. Like I said. I have no IDEA about autos. But if you WERE to top it and stress it, would it just take longer to flower, or will it maybe change the sex? Are all autos fem? If anyone can answer that would be awesome. I wanna get autos for my next grow but I wanna know the story behind them. Love and peace, Joey bozz