Hank Dank's Mulligan: Organic Soil LST - 60DayWonder + Northern Lights Auto


Well-Known Member
thanx Paperhouse, i've been watching yours as well to compare, your grow is looking good.

Joey i don't think all auto's are fems. You can have male auto's if the seeds are'nt feminized.


Well-Known Member
Pics!! Pics!!
Ask and you shall receive!



wheres the stretch HPS is supposed to cause? #2 sure looks like some tight spacing to me
now i do believe i've lost of size of veg from not having more blue in the spectrum, but i think if i was growing photoperiods id be more than happy, i know whats going on is im having an explosion of root growth going on right now


Well-Known Member
And wow thats some nice stem girthage..
interesting you say that, i was thinking the same thing when i looked at them, i thought they were pretty thick.
Now that you bring up stem girth, i want to show you something. I was on my back porch the other day and was smoking a bowl with a few people, and i picked something up out of the grass next to my porch, said hey if you guys can tell me what this came from, ill give you a bowl. They all said, "thats a piece of driftwood".. needless to say noone got a bowl that night. Usually when my tray builds up a bunch of seeds n stems i toss em out off my back porch. Well this monster turned up growing at the corner of my porch right up the side of one of the posts i never fed or did anything to it other than pee on the ground around it once n a while. It got almost 7ft, when it turned out to be a male i chopped it down n didnt think anything else about it. One of the guys suggest i make a pipe out of it..i think it'd be awesome but i don't really have the tools to do it myself.


Well-Known Member
Thats a weed trunk? Wow....
it sure is, not many people believe it but i could care less if anyone does, i chopped it down so i know what its from. It feels kind of light tho, almost like a piece of balsa wood but its solid, you cant just break it over your knee or anything. Its gotta be almost 2yr old tho


Well-Known Member
i made apipe using a drill from wallyworld and my pocket knife. nice grow. ill be subbing for the ride! my shits in germ right now. still in the papertowel but here soon theyll be in some soil. still working on my stelth cab, waiting on my hirein papers to come back so i can start working, i need money to turn this shit into gold! ahhaha. kepp up the good work. UrIn EastTx no?


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i want to make it into a pipe, i've been thinking of how i could do it for a while now..i should probably get some kind of sealer to cover it in too..i need a really long drill bit


Active Member
whats ur supplemental lighting (aside from ur HPS) i would add some of the blue spectrum, only cuz of the natural sunlight, nah mean meng? but yea.. thanks for the sexing q? i had.. the plants look good... if u want them to stretch pull the light up a lil higher OR put 65 watt (27k) CFLs on the side, so you can get side strecth and top stretch.. WORD hope that helps ya man..


Active Member
yea dude.. someone said something about ur stem girth, and yea, ur stem now at day 20 is the same thickness as mine at like day 64ish? damn man.. KUDOS!


Well-Known Member
So #1 is droopy again..she started to get that way last night..then this morning she looked like she perked right back up..have been gone most of the day, i get home and shes droopy as shit again...im guessing the roots are just staying to moist, its been a few days since i watered last, i've been watering them around 1 a week so far so i dont think im over watering, i just think the middle soil down to the bottom is still staying to wet...but it could be drooping for other reasons im just not sure.
#2 has never drooped, and shes looking might fine today as well. The new growth that was in yesterday, has already turned into full leaves and theres yet more new growth starting. Both have been doing this the last few days heavily.
#1 is still growing, just droopy and looks like it might be a different phenotype too. Will post some pics tomorrow probably


Active Member
UMM hank! i think i may have found a solution to #1s problem... try to get a couple 26 watt 65k cfl bulbs and those clampy mouny things from like wallmart or home depot.. than MYLAR the rim of the pot and place the lights so they reflects to the bottom and middle of the plant.. cuz it looks like its too low in the pot...and believe it or not the green pot ur using may (just thinking outside the box right now) be absorbing all the blue spectrum of light to make that "greenish" color" we see with our eyes... just a thought on the color reflectivity of things like that.. like a white pot would be ideal IMO but to each his own.. my little crazy tip of the night :p love and peace joey bozz


Active Member
and IMO sorry ur not over watering... u should get a PH meter and a "soil wettness(not a word, its the green thing in my pot,in my pics) meter" from a shop or online with ur mix u should water every 4ish5 days.. maybe 3 cuz ur mix looks kinds airy (meaning in drainage) i would take a look into that hydrometer thing? i guess... also check the humidity of the box/area may be too dry.. did you mix the soil for each pot OR did u mix i big bunch all together and used what you needed? cuz if so #1 would be a dif mix than number 2, so maybe 2 has a little more water retention than 1..get where im rambling too? sorry i smoked/drank some jack earlier. L)


Well-Known Member
and IMO sorry ur not over watering... u should get a PH meter and a "soil wettness(not a word, its the green thing in my pot,in my pics) meter" from a shop or online with ur mix u should water every 4ish5 days.. maybe 3 cuz ur mix looks kinds airy (meaning in drainage) i would take a look into that hydrometer thing? i guess... also check the humidity of the box/area may be too dry.. did you mix the soil for each pot OR did u mix i big bunch all together and used what you needed? cuz if so #1 would be a dif mix than number 2, so maybe 2 has a little more water retention than 1..get where im rambling too? sorry i smoked/drank some jack earlier. L)
Lol i could use some jack and a fat bowl right now. But as far as moisture meters i have one..which is how i can tell #1's pot is holding to much moisture. Interestingly enough, the soil in both pots is all from one batch so they are the same mix..which thats what has me baffled a bit. Now as far as the color of the pots, thats a very interesting question you bring up, which i need to look into that asap. Although im not sure, as you see #2 has not been affected at all, is looking beautiful..because this is my first maintained grow I can't compare growth between this run and another. The difference between 1 and 2 is that 1 has been transplanted and had a few issues starting out, where 2 has been going hard from day 1. I use a digital therm/hygrometer in my box, i can read it on the main display without ever opening the box, my temps stay between 76-80, usually closer to 76 tho, and my rh is always between 45-55% during lights on. I really don't have any room to setup some CFLs in this box or id probably do that. In hind sight i guess i should of got blue or white pots tho now that you mention it tho.
As of right now, my budget is nil though...i've been eating ramen and drinkin unsweet tea for a while now...im barely able to keep a roof over my head lil lone have extra money to sink into this lil hobby for now..maybe luck will bless me with some good fortune soon but..i wont be holding my breath lol

(update) Yeah i can't believe i never thought of that before, its shit we learned in school...
But object that reflect a green color are absorbing red and blue...i need to get into my air pots really..but im to scared to transplant at this point, i dont want to stunt these autos anymore than i already have


Active Member
If u want I can mail you a Mylar fire blanket, I'll cover the postage and whatever. Just throin that out there (I bought a case from wallmart lol) lmk :) yea as fOr my little science color thing yellow takes the red and obviously yellow and blue make green. A red pot would absorb all the red light to reflect the red color we see. Ur best bet is black or white pots or just use the Mylar to line the rim of ur pot. The air pots are a good idea and if u don't want to stress them too much I would transplant 1 and see (since ur having issues anyway, use it as a test run cuz 2 is thriving) just my .02


Well-Known Member
Hey joey I appreciate the offer on the Mylar, im going to decline but please don't be offended i just don't feel at this point its really going to make any difference on this grow. I think i may end up doing what u mentioned with transfering #1 to the air pot, i say transfer and not transplant because im going to try to move it all into the pot while trying to disturb the soil mass as little as possible. Right now its still up in the air because im trying to get as much yield as i can with what i have at this point, still nervous to stunt them anymore. Initially i planned to use some of the nugs to atleast pay for my first run, which is still the plan, although i know right now as much as ive spent, its not going to happen, might recover half the bills on it. I don't mind paying for the learning experience, I'd like to get a step up in the game for when Texas decides to jump either on the medical wagon or by miracle HR2306 passes and we legalize it here. I'd love become a breeder down the road and have my own gear. Long road ahead for that, but you have to start somewhere right?

Bought a Mega Millions Lotto Ticket tonight....billion to 1 odds i think lol, keep your finger's x'ed for me please, i need all the luck i can get


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Day 22 for #1
We have pistils showing baby! - Id take pics but my camera could'nt pick them up they are so small at the moment, will take shots tho asap

Im happy but the only thing that sucks, is the plants are still pretty damn small..basically means my yield is going to be small...