Hank Dank's Mulligan: Organic Soil LST - 60DayWonder + Northern Lights Auto


Active Member
hey hank... its been a while since i've check you out man.. looks like ur mulligan turned into a little operation.. good shit man.. ur plants look awesome, and ur plans are even better.. good growing man..


Well-Known Member
Hey Hank you doin' alright bro?
Hey bro, yep im doing good, just been really busy lately..have'nt had time to do an update till now. Been contending with some heat issues and a few bugs as you can tell by the pics. Im thinking about another 2 weeks then it'll be time to chop i've got them on straight water diet from here on out.
I also got my new project Sami the industrial plant started.
Heres some nug porn
Heres ol' droopy, she smells great..both have this over ripe cantaloupe n skunk scent
And here Deuce, shes also smelling amazing..
and heres the newbie Sami almost 3 weeks old from seed.Going to ScroG her i think.She had a branch snap off on accident when i was doing some LST work, i improvised and now that branch is growing clone.


Active Member
Good stuff, they look completely frosted up! What kind of bugs are you dealing with in particular? If it's the soil infestation kind try out the layer of sand trick, worked wonders for me.


Well-Known Member
nah i had a few of these tiny moth looking things come in when i left my door open one night to let some fresh air in teh house cuz it was nice n cool outside
guess a few came in and gravitated towards the box since i still dont have it closed up, nothing major tho, just got a few nibbles off my plant one night


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, sorry took me so long to update.

Harvested both plants about 3 weeks ago. About 4 days apart.
Sorry only took a few pics
Heres the yield off the first i cut, Droopy
Yield total from both plants was 34g dried

I got a little more of a yield off of Deuce when i cut her a few days later.

Heres what a nug looks like after curing

The herbs are very tasty, has a slight citrus flavor on the back end.
The high is very head lifting, after a while though you have a slight zombified feeling. Good smoke, id recommend Nirvanas NL autos to anyone who was looking to try an autoflower strain.
All and all, I give these buds that I grew a 6.9 out of 10 - quite satisfied