My uncle just got a settlement for agent orange for a half million.
Took almost 40 years
His health is not good.How's his health?
Also, you look just like Doer.
That happened more than you know...... maybe even shot in the back of the head.....just say'nHis health is not good.
But he just married his 7th wife who is 35 years younger and bought a house in Tennessee.
So no matter how much time he has left. He will go out happy.
Funny story about him. His CO told him to take 2 gas cans up to an out post up a hill. My uncle told him "go fuck yourself"
The CO grabbed the cans ando said when he got back he would court martial him.
The CO got half way up the hill and got shot thru the head by a sniper
I don't think my uncle fragged himThere was a reason that Command level Officers seldom went into the field with the rank & file soldiers in Vietnam.....they weren't likely to return.
You don't think other soldiers might have hated him also?...I don't think my uncle fragged him