Hans Panel 56w triband led(65w total)>VS<Indagro 100 full spec induction(105w)+FIGHT!

Nice to see you got the family sorted and your back to growing and toking PSU man hopefully your next grow go`s way smoother

Hmm the skywalkers I have under induction are really looking good not sure if the one catching way more led will end up having the best buds that being said none of them are clones all from seed so can`t really judge it

I have 2 cotton candy clones I could run one under the led/cfl side and one under the induction/cfl side next grow but I`d rather run them both in the same dwc box it just means I can push them more it can be a pain when you have 2 very different plants sharing the some dwc res.

The last lot of NL x Big bud I did really loved the leds man but they were super short very high par led systems cause a lot less stretch then what I`ve seen from induction and hps and you know early in flowering stretching the plant sometimes really helps get extra yield

Guess its all about how you grow too... Hmm only got like one bud of that NL left, I`ll try to take a toke for you fine chaps when I get round to vape`ing it :p
Hiya P! Considering what you went through there it's not a bad run. Amazing what you can yield off these baby watters. I like that the next run pays homage to Mr. Tesla. I suspect he vaporized.:clap:
Hope all is well. Looks as though your Cheese Dreams managed to pull through. Personally not my favorite strain that I'm working on, but we have plans in the works to alter her genetics a bit before retesting. Each year I'm trying to advance all of my genetic lines towards their desired breed standard. I've been working a lot lately, but I'm planning on dropping in on the site a bit more often.
Most "drugs" were more then legal in tesla`s day`s that`s for sure

Anyway here`s some bud porn about 3 to 4 weeks from finish


cotton candy









Peace my 420 homies.
On the Hans panels you have three settings , seed , flower and mother. I'm a little confused as to what setting I should run on. Flower is full intensity but mine arnt yet so should I run it on mother or seed? Seed being less intense.

Also ,what are the gaps for each setting from the canopy?
I have a couple of plants growing under a couple of Hans panels in a mylar grow tent. They are doing good but just wondering if I should tie the tops down a bit? Right now they are just over 30 inch tall and flowering all over the place. They only have about another 20 inch left of height to grow before they get too big for the tent. Should I tie the tops down or should it start to slow up with the growth soon? Ideally i'd just leave it but not too sure how the light intensity would be on the lower leaves and how big the plant will keep growing. I haven't done anything to the plants apart from feeding and adjusting light heights. It's a Sativa strain too.

Can you tell me more about the fan/cooling on the Hans panel? Is it simply a fan with a small spacer blowing downward on the aluminum panel?

Can you tell me more about the fan/cooling on the Hans panel? Is it simply a fan with a small spacer blowing downward on the aluminum panel?

Yes correct just a 2w computer fan/ it's pretty quiet; also can install larger/quieter fan if you wish(digimidgi did it with his)......it has MCPCB and MOST of the heat is remote(driver) so it runs under the xp-e junction temps even with 100f room temps.
thanks - I'm having some inexpensive custom panels made and I think I'll likely do something very similar to what Hans has done with his.
thanks - I'm having some inexpensive custom panels made and I think I'll likely do something very similar to what Hans has done with his.

Yeah it's very easy to copy his design............good luck and start a thread on your custom panels if you can, would be interested to see them in action
I'll 2nd the above ^^^^ sentiment. TY for your efforts & posting the good with the bad. Its a shame that you didn't get to run two fems head-to-head til chop. Your results were nonetheless impressive, and show what a difference a well thought out & equipped (hi efficiency emitters & drivers) LED panel can do. Kudos!
This is a great post, love to see other LED growers setup to help myself. Keep it up man you're doing great !
Great journal! I'm really excited to implement my research, I plan on going with a 400W Induction and two LED panels (exact brand TBD, but I've safely ruled out overseas LED based on info from this thread and another). Thinking either Onyx Bloom or A51 with a SCROG. Is that a little overkill? Either way, nice to see what you did with the induction, this journal confirms what I'd been suspecting!
Damn Fellows You Really Swelled Psuagro's Head With All That Non Meaningfull Praise.Now He Think's He Can Grow In A 16 Oz Party Cup :P