And damn dude haha you dont fuck around when it comes to 420 eh? Lol Dooley Noted Im gonna start getting next years prepared now lol have fun though dude sounds like you cant go wrong todayhehehe.... u guys might think we hill-billys rock it to hard if i post what my stock pile for 4:20 is .... but here it does
10g Cubensis (Mushrooms)
2 OZ's PREMIUM dank, + a little (1 OZ NYCDeisel, 1 OZ Orange bud + a little mango hybred)
3 g's of top quality ISO oil (Made by me... its like glass)
7g's of 165u Bubble hash
6x 150mg bk-MDMA (Methylone)
3g's 7x Salvia (for the friends, not me.. hate that shit)
I'm thinking about saving the bk-MDMA untill my birthday next month.... but everything else is fair game. i told everyone (8-10 people, including self and signifigant other) to bring papers and booze, its going to be one hell of a time.....
i live in the Northern Rocky mountain's.... and my family owns a Lake shore property.... Homegrown weed, Homemade hash and Oil, Even homegrown Mushrooms.... Rocky's on one side, water on the other... friends, family and drugs.....
Sounds like my day lolI am going to wake games......smoke......smoke.....have a few brews........smoke.........pass out
This hot chocolate sounds mad good dood Ive never tried that shit taste good?just drank some weed hot chocalte lol and im smoking on some white widow good day so far
yeah its good as shit taste kindy earthy but the chocalte tase over powers it so its not to bad gave me a strong lil buzzThis hot chocolate sounds mad good dood Ive never tried that shit taste good?
I've never been fond of bushes.LMFAO ^^^^^^ thats funny. sounds like you were smoking some good shit or rather maybe too much tequila but good job getting out of that bush![]()