Happy Birthday cannabineer & tyler.durden

Did you have a killer time?

Very nice.
it's a year later but are you both a year wiser? Happy b/day ;)
So I wake up saunter in and get ready to post a thread to these two and what do I see? Some asshole beat me to it! I look again and realize the asshole was me and you bumped me ha ha ha!!
Love you BB, thank you!

Now Happy Birthday you two old assholes, get your asses out there and get to celebrating, report back with details!
So I wake up saunter in and get ready to post a thread to these two and what do I see? Some asshole beat me to it! I look again and realize the asshole was me and you bumped me ha ha ha!!
Love you BB, thank you!

Now Happy Birthday you two old assholes, get your asses out there and get to celebrating, report back with details!

Lol I forgot about this thread too

Each year it is that tiny increment to bounce out of bed and yodel "still alive bitches!"

But I have me a birthday bottle of really good beer ...
