Happy birthday!!!!

No, I can't draw like that. Now a technical drawing thats another story, I still miss board drawing. I found it with a quick google search.

I've been trying to find avatars that match my mood. Last week I felt like screaming.

Now things are getting better.
yes, that is an agitated avatar... :lol:

Ol Crocodile Dundee eh? Good enough for me.... that ain't a knife.... this is a knife. :mrgreen:

my brothers BOTH have the same birthday oct 5th. my older brother JIM just passed last st pattys day would have been 31 this year and my younger bro turned 28 this year on oct 5th.
Dang, your parents really plan their sex don't they.... :lol:

Hey, I am so sorry to hear that you lost ur brother at such a young age..... that ain't right.

[Symbolized by the crab]

Cancerians find their happiness at home accompanied by good friends. They have sympathetic understanding when helping others.

There are two types of cancerians one masculine and one feminine and are the most moody, sensitive yet impressionable of all the zodiac signs.

Symbolised by the crab they feel protected within their home, as they do not always have strength to face the world.

Your public persona is very different to your private one. Outsiders see you as tough, but you're a softy at heart. Nonetheless you have a mind of your own.

At first glance you blend into the background. Only when something is taken from you do you start carping. And those pincers don't half give a nasty pinch.

You can seem stand offish, but it's just for protection, Among your own circle you're soft as butter.

Cancerians are considered emotional, loving, intuitive, imaginative, shrewd, cautious, protective, and sympathetic.

They may be changeable, moody, overemotional, touchy, clinging, or unable to let go.

Key word to describe those born under this sign are:

protective, sensitive, and moody.

[Water Signs - Cancer]

Water signs are sensitive souls, Easily hurt and they are considerate of others feelings.

They go with their instinct, because they know it can be trusted.

Although they are homely and caring, beware water men they fall in and out of love easily.

And although they will look after and pamper you, it can get too much. Don't get too clingy with a water type. They can feel claustrophobic in friendships.

[Symbolized by the bull]

Taureans are expansive loving, contented and make devoted marital partners. They are very good at giving advice to others and to be asked fro advice pleases them.

They make their homes happy, comfortable and luxurious places to live in.

Security in their life is what keeps taureans happy. They are generous people practical and good

A lover of the good life, you gregarious beings enjoy yourselves to the full! Having expensive tastes and a beer budget can be a problem, but you manage to get round it somehow.

Bulls never push their way to the front. Slow and steady wins the race, does'nt it!

While you're not attention seeking, you're one of the first up at parties, singing away like a good one, to all the old songs.

Taurans are patient and reliable; warm-hearted and loving; persistent and determined; placid and security-loving.

They may tend to be jealous and possessive; resentful and inflexible; self-indulgent and greedy.

Key words to describe those born under this sign:

possessive and permanent.

[Earth Signs - Taurus]

Earth signs are patient. They don't get in a flap but bear with something until they reap their rewards.

They are emotionally secure and have solid relationships. True romantics, they are not afraid to show it.

Earth men make considerate lovers. You can't get a better mate than an earth sign, and they will always be there for you.


[Symbolized by the goat]

Capricorn crave a little for ruler ship and authority they are happy when in control of others and have their esteem.

They are committed to their work, never missing any of their duties and it is taken with great seriousness. They are full of self-confidence and are an ambitious sign.

They are very passionate about home life and a family that they can be proud of brings them, joy

You present yourself as cool and unflappable. But thats only the half of it.

You can be quite a mover and groover when you get going. In fact the older you get the younger you feel. Given the right atmosphere, you're only to willing to strut your stuff, although you can clam up if put on the spot.

Only certain circles have the pleasure of your company. A bit of a snob on the quiet, aren't you! Can be very gifted through empathy towards others.

Capricorns can be seen as practical, prudent, ambitious disciplined, patient, careful, humorous, and reserved.

They may also be pessimistic, fatalistic, miserly, grudging, overconventional or rigid.

Key words to describe those born under this sign are:

prudent, aspiring, calculated, and grumbling.

[Earth Signs - Capricorn]

Earth signs are patient. They don't get in a flap but bear with something until they reap their rewards.

They are emotionally secure and have solid relationships. True romantics, they are not afraid to show it.

Earth men make considerate lovers. You can't get a better mate than an earth sign, and they will always be there for you.


[Symbolized by the goat]

Capricorn crave a little for ruler ship and authority they are happy when in control of others and have their esteem.

They are committed to their work, never missing any of their duties and it is taken with great seriousness. They are full of self-confidence and are an ambitious sign.

They are very passionate about home life and a family that they can be proud of brings them, joy

You present yourself as cool and unflappable. But thats only the half of it.

You can be quite a mover and groover when you get going. In fact the older you get the younger you feel. Given the right atmosphere, you're only to willing to strut your stuff, although you can clam up if put on the spot.

Only certain circles have the pleasure of your company. A bit of a snob on the quiet, aren't you! Can be very gifted through empathy towards others.

Capricorns can be seen as practical, prudent, ambitious disciplined, patient, careful, humorous, and reserved.

They may also be pessimistic, fatalistic, miserly, grudging, overconventional or rigid.

Key words to describe those born under this sign are:

prudent, aspiring, calculated, and grumbling.

[Earth Signs - Capricorn]

Earth signs are patient. They don't get in a flap but bear with something until they reap their rewards.

They are emotionally secure and have solid relationships. True romantics, they are not afraid to show it.

Earth men make considerate lovers. You can't get a better mate than an earth sign, and they will always be there for you.

wait a minute.
is that you mother as you are 100% ????.
