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i mix my happy frog with plain organic potting potting soil and throw in pelite and few cups of lime.. And for my seeds i mix it with miracle grow seed starting mix and perlite, 100 percent germ rate for me using this mix
I liked happy frog..added perlite. Expensive soil tho or sand..anyway they grew. Tried came with free gnats. Jiffy starter mix for seeds and jiffy/organic soil /perlite first transplant..
umm you fucking stoners are putting way too much thought into fucking soil./....HAPPY FROG IS FINE!!! it will grow plants has before and will continue to....make sure your feeding correctly.. FOR FUCK SAKES THIS SHIT IS NOT HIS FUCKING COMPLICATED
Yea great soil but the PH is at 4.4 I believe so your gonna have to add some dolimite lime and some add more perlite like 20 percent but to me it is real airy. The thing about ocean forest nitrogen level vs happy frog and i saw a company do a test on it. Fox Farm wont give out that info but the main difference is nitrogen and no bark I recall in Ocean Forrest. The company found they were not exactly the same but nitrogen in Ocean forest was 20-370 something-425 so the numbers for NPK ratio is that Ocean Forrest is Hot or strong in nitrogen good, for people who don't want to use nutes. But I use big bloom and grow big and tiger bloom and all the beastie bloom open seasame and I like to add this humboldts secret and I tried terpinator it was ok but i took that out and found humboldts secret and really seems to do nice.Along with you basic bloom, grow big,tiger bloom, beastie bloom, open sesame and the other one, also there microbrew seemed to help and always add a drop of superthrive you should be able to get it a Lowes or Home Depot. Here's my mix, it's a mix of 2 ocean forest to 1 bag of light warrior, if you like it more airy then that then add 10-20 cups of dolomite if that dont work ad 20-40 personal preference. Also you need to drain you soil and make sure you ph is 6.3 to 6.6 how you do that is run. some water through soil at ph of 6.5, ph the water first I would to 6.5 and from there poor that through the soil and what you get needs to be going in a 6.5 and coming out at around 6.3-6.8 and dolomite lime raises it so if you pour 6.5 and get ph of 5.8 then your getting close add more lime and test again. I have seen people add way to much lime and still do half assed because the lime is oh is dead 7ph, so you wont go over 7 but you don't want it completly 7. Always do a ph calibration before you do this, because over 3 bucks and a 20 dollar ph meter is your best friend in gardening. Thats my mix some people i know do 2 bag of ocean forrest to happy frog and same process to ph it. I believe I will try this soon, just to see if I can bring my yields up. Another thing. I just bought some light warrior for my plants to seed. GET JIFFY or something else it works but your almost doing a straight perlite aeroponic's, I just wasted about 200 on seeds just because there's no way I see any plant and I was sceptical putting them in it. well I was right real rocky, grow slower to me, have to water every day or two and it should read aeroponics on it because nobody needs that much perlite. I must have not shook the bag up enough I checked ph. It just smaller leaves right next to jiffy mix that i had to use because I didn't have anything else. They look perfect and I didn't seen one piece of perlite in it and it seems to be pretty airy but after a while it will rock up in pieces later but my roots will be in ocean forest/Light warrior or happy frog This is what I have to tell you about fox farm. It's great if you know how to use Ocean Forrest because 3 weeks it will not need any food but if your doing more then 100 day veg and grow then your going to need nutes at the right time, sometimes 2weeks some plants maybe 4 weeks, you will know watch color and speed of growth and color.I have been using FFOF but when i went shopping they were sold out. However they had happy frog in stock. This is the first i have seen of the potting soil. Would the HF be as comparable to the FFOF? Cost wise it was $4 cheaper. I bought it, but having second thoughts with transplanting coming soon.
Any one ever use it before? Thanks for your time
Yea like he is the bosshawg of Happy Frog. I am so mellow from my grows. I am guessing that attitude, go online and watch a youtube video of miracle grow, Roots, Happy Frog, Ocean Forrest. Sorry the most Fked up one was Happy Frog ,but i give you the fact the guy didn't check ph or anything or stir it just chunked it in right out the bag but still Happy Frog did worst. I imagine it didn't have enough Nitrogen and Ocean Forrest in the end still had burn spots mind you he wasn't using cannabis.Really Subcool's method I would love to do. But I have no where to put the rest of the mix, which sux I have to buy any of these name brand soils. Hey, I will back you on this, my hydroponic owner of the store only uses it for soil. Hell for real rookies go get some co co coir its so cheap add some perlite and a few other things. But you will need to use more nutes ,because it's not going to be as close in the nitrogen content. I have used it and perlite and few other little things great grow. So this is kinda a trial an error Yes they all work but do you like to over water if so go with more perlite if you dont underwater use less. All soils you guys have will work play with them make your own mix. Then ship me some for free JK. People fighting saying there soil works duh they wouldn't make a dime off of it if it didn't work well just takes some playing with get it right for you. Let's not fight over soil's. The only one I know doesn't work is Miracle Grow it just not for cannabis. It might have a long time ago but they have changed it that new moisture retainer stuff will really mess u up I grew some other plants with this. More for trees.umm why are you getting angry though? It didn't really seem like they were arguing. I think you need to read more slowly or somethin' b/c you went mentally haywire over nothing aha.
What ratio? How perlite to HF?Happy Frog is good. Not as strong as Ocean forest which can burn transplants. I mix OF with soiless and perlite. Use HF straight and mix in perlite
While I don't condone it, I know a guy growing SOG perpetual who mixes thirds of HF/MG with water retainer 4mo feed/ Walmart organic potting soil. He up pots from 1g to 3g at flip and adds a tbsp of Fox Farms dry nutes, and lollipops. 1lb per mo for as long as I have known him. Always fire. I'm of the belief that were only in the infancy of unlocking the ground truth of this plant. Regardless, I think we can all generally agree that there is more than one way to skin a cat.Yea like he is the bosshawg of Happy Frog. I am so mellow from my grows. I am guessing that attitude, go online and watch a youtube video of miracle grow, Roots, Happy Frog, Ocean Forrest. Sorry the most Fked up one was Happy Frog ,but i give you the fact the guy didn't check ph or anything or stir it just chunked it in right out the bag but still Happy Frog did worst. I imagine it didn't have enough Nitrogen and Ocean Forrest in the end still had burn spots mind you he wasn't using cannabis.Really Subcool's method I would love to do. But I have no where to put the rest of the mix, which sux I have to buy any of these name brand soils. Hey, I will back you on this, my hydroponic owner of the store only uses it for soil. Hell for real rookies go get some co co coir its so cheap add some perlite and a few other things. But you will need to use more nutes ,because it's not going to be as close in the nitrogen content. I have used it and perlite and few other little things great grow. So this is kinda a trial an error Yes they all work but do you like to over water if so go with more perlite if you dont underwater use less. All soils you guys have will work play with them make your own mix. Then ship me some for free JK. People fighting saying there soil works duh they wouldn't make a dime off of it if it didn't work well just takes some playing with get it right for you. Let's not fight over soil's. The only one I know doesn't work is Miracle Grow it just not for cannabis. It might have a long time ago but they have changed it that new moisture retainer stuff will really mess u up I grew some other plants with this. More for trees.
Shouldn't be giving out wrong info man. not cool. Happy frog has a lot of shit in it and yes its soil. Notice it says soil right on the bag?????????FFOF is Soil and Happy Frog is soilless Fyi .....
Shouldn't be giving out wrong info man. not cool. Happy frog has a lot of shit in it and yes its soil. Notice it says soil right on the bag?????????
Happy Frog® Potting Soil
Handcrafted in the Humboldt Nation
Happy Frog® Potting Soil is alive with beneficial microbes and fungi that help break down organic matter and feed the plant roots.
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Happy Frog® Soil Conditioner
Handcrafted in the Humboldt Nation
In every bag, you’ll find finely screened, pH-balanced aged forest products, earthworm castings, and bat guano, not to mention—beneficial microbes and humic acid.
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Nah you didn't notice? Thats ok we can still be cool.Nah when I say low and high i mean relative to each other so when mixed it creates a better balance
Nah you didn't notice? Thats ok we can still be cool.
Happy Frog has given me more problems than any other soil. Spots all over my seedlings at 3 week fed with distilled water.
I got a few 1.5 foot bags for 12.99.
I’m using happy frog fantastic resultsI have been using FFOF but when i went shopping they were sold out. However they had happy frog in stock. This is the first i have seen of the potting soil. Would the HF be as comparable to the FFOF? Cost wise it was $4 cheaper. I bought it, but having second thoughts with transplanting coming soon.
Any one ever use it before? Thanks for your time
Don't mean to argue, but from the research I've done a majority of people using hf say it's got enough nutrients in it for several weeks, is it possible you've gone through available nutes and that's just deficiency? I know first hand is always the bottom line, just a possibility worth mentioning.
Hf is the cheaper of of/hf I'm only using it as a starter and buffer, mine are looking great after 1.5 months from sprout and no lockout. The roots possibly mycorrhizae? Idk how they add it but it may be strands of the fungus itself, just a shot in the dark. Ocean forest has been doing very well, a half and half mix had a couple yellow bottom leaves in 2 gallon pots a bit after a month cuz they got all the nutes, up sizing into fresh soil fixed it. Just my 2cents.It was only about 3 weeks from seed or 2 weeks from germination, so they were tiny. I think it was ph lockout. I have tried Roots, a few FF products, some local brand that is good, and even Miracle grow once. The FF grows are the only ones that gave me nutrient or ph problems. Their soil does not even look that great, it looks recycled. I see lots of fine roots in it sometimes.
prabobly from over watering,those root riots areeasy to over water.It was only about 3 weeks from seed or 2 weeks from germination, so they were tiny. I think it was ph lockout. I have tried Roots, a few FF products, some local brand that is good, and even Miracle grow once. The FF grows are the only ones that gave me nutrient or ph problems. Their soil does not even look that great, it looks recycled. I see lots of fine roots in it sometimes.