Happy Halloween!!


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10 L'épicerie S20-Ép3 (ici télé) - Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits [6...PNG
Attention aux empoisonnements d’enfants par des bonbons au cannabis (2021-Oct-30)
« Le centre antipoison de l’hôpital pour enfants... »​

Seen in Québec, supposed to have occured in Halifax... One other problem here being the fact that this picture was used in quite a different sample of propaganda:

L'épicerie S20-Ép3 (ici télé) - Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits? (2021-Oct-20)

Get it?? 1st the illustration is clearly labelled as THC using Trudeau's alarmist logo in RED in a pure Full-CBD context, euh... Too bad such detail didn't actually raise any mediatic attention, starting from the Canadian Society of Addiction Medecine, not even during their last Halloween "scientific" show organized in Victoria/B.C.! 2nd, After so many years of fear mongering *ALL* parents must have got informed about what to do, e.g. ditch away (...) those damn thick plastic bags i simply can't manage to open myself without destroying it with scisors, or adults can discard anything that ain't looking genuine somehow, as with artisanal candies anyway!!


But there's brain-dead people who seem to like this level of propaganda emanating from our public institutions, starting with editoriali$ts feeling no shame for blatant journalistic inexatitudes... Nobody accountable.

Not to mention the plant requires months of patience, besides the odd coïncidence of an epidemic NOT taking place in my own province although it's directed primarily at us for some reason; never mind to mention the SQdC is forbiden to sell such edibles in the 1st place - and talking of epidemics, i mean somehow in Halifax they got crazy rich individuals obcessed enough to synchronize their actions "en masse" just to flood the neighbourhood (at no cost, for FREE!...) with products easy enough to avoid one way or another.

M'well, it's "evidence-based ", right??


Have a funny Halloween (mass-media persecution)!... :peace:
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Furie, isn't it? ... Well suited indeed!!



Oh please, we're not all guillible kids:

Marijuana Candy: FDA warns of THC-infused treats reaching children (2021-Oct-29)

Halloween for sure! :sleep:

It turns out the adults product shown as "Stone Patch" at 0:57 has been used in the very same fashion on Canada's national mass-media network in both official languages, even in Québec where our SQdC "legal" (monopoly) stores are strictly forbiden to offer any such candies anyway...

Furthermore, an illustration supposed to be about CBD actually got recycled, both in writing and video:

Attention aux empoisonnements d’enfants par des bonbons au cannabis (2021-Oct-30)
« Le centre antipoison de l’hôpital pour enfants... »

Next, pay special attention to their 2nd image also featured with that same child-proof bag of chocolate cannabis - with a RED logo (past 8:02):

Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits? – L'épicerie (2021-Oct-21)

Can't go unoticed, much less during Halloween!! :shock:

So in one case that makes no sense in a Full-CBD/"placebo" context and not even the other as we don't have those around sor starters. Not to mention it presumably came from Halifax which is over 11 hours away!!

Yet, Radio-Canada routinely insists over their claim of performing good "evidence-based" journalism. aHummm... Which seems more like editorialism, at least to me!!

One way or another the picture associations were quite wrong and now i finally discover it's imported from USA.

E.G. how can they get any more LAZY & BIASED than that?? Just read the articles through a translator to appreciate the scale: 60 cases, so that's some chocolate maniacs epidemic IMHO.

We'll see how many have hit the province of Québec, eventually...

As for artisanal home-made candies, imagine patiently growing precious plants just to waste it on Halloween FOR FREE while packaging would prove all too easy to spot.

Honestly, mass-media clearly needs to be made accountable worldwide. That's pure incoherent sensationalism in pure Hollywood style - or i wish i could participate myself!


Good day, have fun!! :peace: