Happy Thanksgiving Riu


Well-Known Member
no matter you eat turkey or tofu.. weren't natives still hunted as savages? so the turkey then was probably stolen, along with young nubile women to serve the european greed. yaaay to westward expansion and manifest destiny.


Well-Known Member
no matter you eat turkey or tofu.. weren't natives still hunted as savages? so the turkey then was probably stolen, along with young nubile women to serve the european greed. yaaay to westward expansion and manifest destiny.
Happy turkey,tofu,peanut butter jelly day!!!!!
Whatever you eat today be thankful for it and what you smoke as well!!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
no matter you eat turkey or tofu.. weren't natives still hunted as savages? so the turkey then was probably stolen, along with young nubile women to serve the european greed. yaaay to westward expansion and manifest destiny.
Actually, the turkey was pretty sparse and hard to hunt with the old school muzzle loader. Venison was most likely the center piece.

Didn't mean to offend, Johnny :oops:


Well-Known Member
all that venison talk, i had an elk roast last night instead, you guys can eat turkey for weeks, screw left overs!!


Well-Known Member
lmao! "I can see Russia from my backyard" haha Ill bet she'd let those russians in her backdoor.

Look up the movie "Who's nail'in Palin" hahahaha its real I swear


Well-Known Member
Your compassion is overwhelming.

I present to you the story of Pete the Monk Parakeet. Pete had the misfortune of being advertised for sale in the state of Montana where Monk Parakeets, or Quaker Parrots, are illegal. Government agents showed up at the door of Pete's owners in order to seize him and have him destroyed.

While his owners pleaded for his life, and the government agents prepared to confiscate him, Pete kept repeating, "I'm a good boy! I'm a good boy!" The government agents agreed to allow Pete's owners to find him a new home out of state before Sunday.

What do you imagine your bird was thinking as it met its doom?

I doubt he was thinking how good he would taste with mashed potatoes.

I'll wager he was terrified as he met the executioner's blade.


Well-Known Member
the point of thanksgiving is not to forcefeed vegan ideals down someones throat.And a birds brain even a turkeys brain is too small to comprehend what is happening until its too late.Also god said man shall have dominion over the animals.is god wrong?


Well-Known Member
the point of thanksgiving is not to forcefeed vegan ideals down someones throat.
The point of Thanksgiving is to give thanks. I'm thankful I am not an animal suffering in a factory farm until I am killed.

Show me a photo of a dead bird with a caption of "Yummy!" and I will remind everyone that an innocent life was taken. The truth may be uncomfortable, but it's the truth nonetheless.

No one is force feeding you anything. Expression of an opinion is not force feeding. I am confronted with society's meaty ideals nonstop, especially at holidays such as this one. This is my form of protest. Enjoy your dead turkey sandwich. I'm not stopping you.
And a birds brain even a turkeys brain is too small to comprehend what is happening until its too late.
Apparently Pete the Monk Parakeet knew what was happening to him. A turkey is no different.
Also god said man shall have dominion over the animals.is god wrong?
God did not say that. Man said it and claimed it was the word of god. You cite it in order to justify your own brutality.

The Queen of England has dominion over her subjects, but she does not eat them.


Well-Known Member
are you calling the holy bible a lie cauase we will have a problem then. I think your a hypocrite i think you wear shoes made of animal carcass. I also think you murder innocent plants every harvest.That baseball mit in your pic once said"moooo".In the bible it says man shall have dominion over the animals.The bible is the words of god not man.so if i were you id worry more about my mortal soul than a fucking turkey.Your all the same granola munching ignorant bored hypocrites.Try doing something constructive with your time mabey volenteer for red cross's big brother program.Oh thats right your not concerned with human suffering.You are the defender of birds. I sincerly see your stance as a cowardly cop-out.a week way to spew your angst and agression on others disquised as a moral perspective.A self serving narsicistic need to point out shortcommings in others due to deep rooted lack of self worth.Your a farce in my book man.Your just putting lipstick on a pig. Im done with you now.How dose it feel to be served up hot?


Well-Known Member
I am a man. I am an omnivore. I eat meat. That is the way it has always been. Man would not have grown a large brain and walked out of Africa had he not eaten meat.

Personally, I think there is enough human suffering in the world to take one second to cry over a turkey or any other food I eat. It is an illusion to think Man can some how isolate himself from the ecosystem - the food chain. I do agree that large scale commercial farms can seem cruel and un-natural. I think the best thing to do in that case is what I will be doing this weekend - deer hunting. I hope to shoot a large doe or buck, not picky, tomorrow or Sunday and bring lots of venison home for my family. If I get a deer I will be sure to post the picks here.