Happy Thanksgiving Riu


Well-Known Member
are you calling the holy bible a lie cauase we will have a problem then. I think your a hypocrite i think you wear shoes made of animal carcass. I also think you murder innocent plants every harvest.That baseball mit in your pic once said"moooo".In the bible it says man shall have dominion over the animals.The bible is the words of god not man.so if i were you id worry more about my mortal soul than a fucking turkey.
LOL! Don't lecture me about god. I've never met him and I sincerely doubt you have either. The bible is a collection of ancient folk tales written by men. Nothing more.
Your all the same granola munching ignorant bored hypocrites.Try doing something constructive with your time mabey volenteer for red cross's big brother program.Oh thats right your not concerned with human suffering.You are the defender of birds. I sincerly see your stance as a cowardly cop-out.a week way to spew your angst and agression on others disquised as a moral perspective.A self serving narsicistic need to point out shortcommings in others due to deep rooted lack of self worth.Your a farce in my book man.Your just putting lipstick on a pig. Im done with you now.How dose it feel to be served up hot?
I struck a nerve. Your recriminations are not just hilarious, but they point out that deep down you agree with me. Your precious bible says "Thou shalt not kill" after all.

Lipstick on a pig. That's funny. The happy barnyard myth that kids are taught opposed to the actual reality of industrial agriculture. That's lipstick on a pig. And you eat it up.
I am a man. I am an omnivore. I eat meat. That is the way it has always been. Man would not have grown a large brain and walked out of Africa had he not eaten meat.
We walked out of Africa a long time ago. At one time slavery was accepted throughout civilized society as well, but we evolved.
Personally, I think there is enough human suffering in the world to take one second to cry over a turkey or any other food I eat. It is an illusion to think Man can some how isolate himself from the ecosystem - the food chain. I do agree that large scale commercial farms can seem cruel and un-natural. I think the best thing to do in that case is what I will be doing this weekend - deer hunting. I hope to shoot a large doe or buck, not picky, tomorrow or Sunday and bring lots of venison home for my family. If I get a deer I will be sure to post the picks here.
I may not agree with hunting, but I have a helluva lot more respect for hunters than I do people who go to supermarkets and pay someone else to do their killing for them.
BTW, I apologized once. Now you're shoving it down my throat. Flame-on!
My comments were not directed at you. They were a response to a provocation following your apology which I appreciated.

I am not shoving anything down anyone's throat. If what I write bothers you so much, feel free to do as your little friend and be done with me.

Yummy, Yummy, Murder . . . . mmmmmm
I saw something similar to that at an advertisement for conservative tee shirts. Tasty, tasty, Murder is how they put it.

I'm not saying don't eat meat. I am saying understand what you are doing when you consume it. You are taking an active part in killing innocent life.

Congratulations, NewGrowth. You get it.


Well-Known Member
LOL! Don't lecture me about god. I've never met him and I sincerely doubt you have either. The bible is a collection of ancient folk tales written by men. Nothing more.

I struck a nerve. Your recriminations are not just hilarious, but they point out that deep down you agree with me. Your precious bible says "Thou shalt not kill" after all.

Lipstick on a pig. That's funny. The happy barnyard myth that kids are taught opposed to the actual reality of industrial agriculture. That's lipstick on a pig. And you eat it up.

We walked out of Africa a long time ago. At one time slavery was accepted throughout civilized society as well, but we evolved.

I may not agree with hunting, but I have a helluva lot more respect for hunters than I do people who go to supermarkets and pay someone else to do their killing for them.

My comments were not directed at you. They were a response to a provocation following your apology which I appreciated.

I am not shoving anything down anyone's throat. If what I write bothers you so much, feel free to do as your little friend and be done with me.

I saw something similar to that at an advertisement for conservative tee shirts. Tasty, tasty, Murder is how they put it.

I'm not saying don't eat meat. I am saying understand what you are doing when you consume it. You are taking an active part in killing innocent life.

Congratulations, NewGrowth. You get it.
I think everyone mabey even birds get your point. its really not deep.Here is mine. I started a thread to say happy t.g. you highjacked my thread and posted a full size tofurkey picture.then someone else got in and said it looked gross.then you took your self righteous moral tyraid into my thread. someone offered you a apoligy.you did not accept it and move on you continued to try to provoke those who dont share your ignorance.I asked you nicely twice to stop.you ignored me.Then i went off on you.Im sure you dont understand my words. so get a dictonary. sit down and reread it.because i tore you up and spit you out.Never even once did you wish anyone a happy holiday.not once. And i will lecture you on anything i so choose.And i choose to be done with you.You only want the attention anyway i would wager your not even vegan but a troublemaker.So go murder a plant smoke it and chill.and stay out of my threads from now on or i will ridicule you all over these forums.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bonghits4all
Your all the same granola munching ignorant bored hypocrites.Try doing something constructive with your time mabey volenteer for red cross's big brother program.Oh thats right your not concerned with human suffering.You are the defender of birds. I sincerly see your stance as a cowardly cop-out.a week way to spew your angst and agression on others disquised as a moral perspective.A self serving narsicistic need to point out shortcommings in others due to deep rooted lack of self worth.Your a farce in my book man.Your just putting lipstick on a pig. Im done with you now.How dose it feel to be served up hot? dude you dont even understand my point.your ignorant and a hypocrite.thats my point. the lipstick on a pig is a metaphore for you (a discusting human being)posing behind a happy hippy vegan bird lover.


Well-Known Member
never even once said happy thanksgiving.called people murders though. on thanks giving.For that johnnyorganic. i say this .You sir are a retard and not a high functioning retard that works at mc donalds or wallmart.no.,but a drooling on your chin,rocking back and forth while you stutter,helmet wearing retard.I hate you. and i hope you get bent.

dude you dont even understand my point.your ignorant and a hypocrite.thats my point. the lipstick on a pig is a metaphore for you (a discusting human being)posing behind a happy hippy vegan bird lover.


New Member
What's it like to be so tightly wound? Eating of meat proteins is what caused the human brain to evolve to what it is today. Without meat, we'd all still be a bunch of shit flingers. :bigjoint:

Your compassion is overwhelming.

I present to you the story of Pete the Monk Parakeet. Pete had the misfortune of being advertised for sale in the state of Montana where Monk Parakeets, or Quaker Parrots, are illegal. Government agents showed up at the door of Pete's owners in order to seize him and have him destroyed.

While his owners pleaded for his life, and the government agents prepared to confiscate him, Pete kept repeating, "I'm a good boy! I'm a good boy!" The government agents agreed to allow Pete's owners to find him a new home out of state before Sunday.

What do you imagine your bird was thinking as it met its doom?

I doubt he was thinking how good he would taste with mashed potatoes.

I'll wager he was terrified as he met the executioner's blade.


Well-Known Member
Meat really is Murder. I mean just be honest with yourself. If you don't want to eat it well more power to you, I'll have your piece. . . .

You have to kill a living creature and I believe we are all equal because we are all connected. Even with my personal beliefs I eat and enjoy meat, I try not to waste it but waste is kind of built into our society. I can break down a whole animal and cook or use every part of it. Today that is just not necessary, industrial farming has allowed us to create life on demand. I think it is sad that we no longer respect where our food comes from. I have seen turkey processing plants and it is quite disgusting, and arguably inhumane. Industrial livestock farms epitomize the failures of a greedy industrial society. How much cancer causing growth hormone are you drinking with your milk? Don't ask just pick the one with fancy packaging . . .

They true failure is not in our killing of the animals but our disrespect for our food and our careless waste of it all. So many people in this world eat nothing but UNICEF flour dropped from planes. In haiti mothers feed their children sweetened pieces of dried clay! Yes people are literally eating dirt in some places.

Whatever your dinner is this year weather it be Tofurkey, Prime Rib, or Clay be grateful. Give thanks and share your bounty with those less privileged.

Lots of Love for the turkeys both living and cooked to a perfection . . .


Well-Known Member
I like cats and dogs... But I just cant finish one all by myself...

Theres room for all of gods animals... right next to my mashed potatoes.

=) I love meat, I dont care what vegitarians choose to eat, as long as they are not PETA members destroying animal testing buildings and what not...


Well-Known Member
for johnnyo
I sincerly see your stance as a cowardly cop-out.a week way to spew your angst and agression on others disquised as a moral perspective.A self serving narsicistic need to point out shortcommings in others due to deep rooted lack of self worth.Your a farce in my book man.Your just putting lipstick on a pig,
never even once said happy thanksgiving.called people murders though. on thanks giving.For that johnnyorganic. i say this .You sir are a retard and not a high functioning retard that works at mc donalds or wallmart.no.,but a drooling on your chin,rocking back and forth while you stutter,helmet wearing retard.I hate you. and i hope you get bent.

dude you dont even understand my point.your ignorant and a hypocrite.thats my point. the lipstick on a pig is a metaphore for you (a discusting human being)posing behind a happy hippy vegan bird lover.


Well-Known Member
I notice the cowardly johnnyo has disapeared.what a unbelievable piece of shit he is. crashing a t.g. thread to spew a hate rant. Some people are shameless ignorant bastards.


Well-Known Member
I think everyone mabey even birds get your point. its really not deep.Here is mine. I started a thread to say happy t.g. you highjacked my thread and posted a full size tofurkey picture.then someone else got in and said it looked gross.then you took your self righteous moral tyraid into my thread. someone offered you a apoligy.you did not accept it and move on you continued to try to provoke those who dont share your ignorance.I asked you nicely twice to stop.you ignored me.Then i went off on you.Im sure you dont understand my words. so get a dictonary. sit down and reread it.because i tore you up and spit you out.Never even once did you wish anyone a happy holiday.not once. And i will lecture you on anything i so choose.And i choose to be done with you.You only want the attention anyway i would wager your not even vegan but a troublemaker.So go murder a plant smoke it and chill.and stay out of my threads from now on or i will ridicule you all over these forums.
I tell you what, when you ridicule me, please let me know because all I've seen so far is self-ridicule in the form of redundant sniveling.
Your all the same granola munching ignorant bored hypocrites.Try doing something constructive with your time mabey volenteer for red cross's big brother program.Oh thats right your not concerned with human suffering.You are the defender of birds. I sincerly see your stance as a cowardly cop-out.a week way to spew your angst and agression on others disquised as a moral perspective.A self serving narsicistic need to point out shortcommings in others due to deep rooted lack of self worth.Your a farce in my book man.Your just putting lipstick on a pig. Im done with you now.How dose it feel to be served up hot? dude you dont even understand my point.your ignorant and a hypocrite.thats my point. the lipstick on a pig is a metaphore for you (a discusting human being)posing behind a happy hippy vegan bird lover.
Friends don't let friends post on meth. Hint: spellcheck.
never even once said happy thanksgiving.called people murders though. on thanks giving.For that johnnyorganic. i say this .You sir are a retard and not a high functioning retard that works at mc donalds or wallmart.no.,but a drooling on your chin,rocking back and forth while you stutter,helmet wearing retard.I hate you. and i hope you get bent.

dude you dont even understand my point.your ignorant and a hypocrite.thats my point. the lipstick on a pig is a metaphore for you (a discusting human being)posing behind a happy hippy vegan bird lover.
How could I offer a rebuttal to a point I did not understand? To put a finer point on it, it was you who did not understand my response.

I prefer strict vegetarian to vegan.
for johnnyo
I sincerly see your stance as a cowardly cop-out.a week way to spew your angst and agression on others disquised as a moral perspective.A self serving narsicistic need to point out shortcommings in others due to deep rooted lack of self worth.Your a farce in my book man.Your just putting lipstick on a pig,
never even once said happy thanksgiving.called people murders though. on thanks giving.For that johnnyorganic. i say this .You sir are a retard and not a high functioning retard that works at mc donalds or wallmart.no.,but a drooling on your chin,rocking back and forth while you stutter,helmet wearing retard.I hate you. and i hope you get bent.

dude you dont even understand my point.your ignorant and a hypocrite.thats my point. the lipstick on a pig is a metaphore for you (a discusting human being)posing behind a happy hippy vegan bird lover.
It appears you have hijacked your own thread with your little medley. Perhaps you should put it to music.
I notice the cowardly johnnyo has disapeared.what a unbelievable piece of shit he is. crashing a t.g. thread to spew a hate rant. Some people are shameless ignorant bastards.
If by 'disappeared' you mean delighting in watching you devolve into a simpering pile of rage and futility, I guess I did disappear.
I'm bonghits4all. My points are so insipid I must repeat them because even I can't make any sense of my own gibberish.

I can't stand to have my preconceived notions challenged.

God is a turkey. I am a turkey vagina.
All previous posts can be distilled into one succinct word:
Wow! I thought your first e-tantrum was impressive, but you outdid yourself today.

You amuse me.

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving!


Well-Known Member
i see through you.strict veggie???? i see you dont have the gumption to adhere to your own convictions.Just want to start trouble.your a piece of shit dude.A farce.A fraud and A coward.And you know it. see ya in the forums asswipe.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh i get it now jo. your a failure and a bad business man. guess you dont have much to be thankfull for.C'mon mr. emo share your pain.lol. Your a freak thats why your single.And your a idiot. thats why your business failed.oh yea... t.y. and happy t.g. to you too. mmmmm love that turkey a la king.


Well-Known Member
i see through you.strict veggie???? i see you dont have the gumption to adhere to your own convictions.Just want to start trouble.your a piece of shit dude.A farce.A fraud and A coward.And you know it. see ya in the forums asswipe.
I see you in this forum. An angry child throwing yet another hissy fit.

It's very entertaining.
Ahhh i get it now jo. your a failure and a bad business man. guess you dont have much to be thankfull for.C'mon mr. emo share your pain.lol. Your a freak thats why your single.And your a idiot. thats why your business failed.oh yea... t.y. and happy t.g. to you too. mmmmm love that turkey a la king.
I'm touched you spent so much time on me. Your observations are terribly insightful. Thank you, Dr. Laura!

LOL! If that is true, you let a freak/idiot/failure run the board on your dumb ass. Is that what you tell your buddies down at the alley behind the Plasma Collection Center while passing around the bottle of Night Train?

You are still cracking me up. :lol:


New Member
Yeah, yeah, do you think a lioness is upset about the animals she kills to survive? How about a wolf? Humans are predatory animals, we are meant to eat meat.

I'm upset about the senseless slaughter of helpless vegetables every day to support your vegan ways....... :wink:

You go ahead and vegan out, I'll keep eating meat.


Well-Known Member

See you in the forums.
I really think that says it all . . . industrial farming is just not right. That is what happens when 3% of the population feeds the other 97%. People have lost touch with the origins of their food. We need to be educated so that we can enter into a more sustainable future.

Natural systems create no waste, everything is utilized. We waste disgusting amounts of food. Do we really think that we are immune to the forces of nature? :neutral:


Well-Known Member
What's it like to be so tightly wound? Eating of meat proteins is what caused the human brain to evolve to what it is today. Without meat, we'd all still be a bunch of shit flingers. :bigjoint:
Better to be tightly wound than to have loose brains deluded by the fantasy that the consumption of meat is not a violent act in itself.

What you consider trivial, I consider a serious ethical issue.
I agree, Happy Thanksgiving has somehow turned into a bleeding heart, meat is murder fest. Who woulda thunk it...........
As long as I can remember, Thanksgiving has always been a celebration of thanks masking a celebration of death. I simply was unaware of it until I became a vegetarian. Until recently, most vegetarians have been too meek, too polite, or too intimidated to point out what is painfully obvious to us. We are accustomed to being called snobs or elitists because we take into account the suffering inflicted on the innocent in the name of Thanksgiving. We shrug off being called hypocrites by cretins who say they hate us and call us retards while claiming to know the mind of god.

I am reminded of WASPy types who grouse that their rights are being infringed when reminded that the Estabishment Clause applies to them, too. Pointing out that public displays of Nativity Scenes in front of the city hall as unconstitutional is not infringing the rights of Christians. It is asserting the rights of non-Christians to live in a society free from the domination of one particular religion. Certain Christian types howl in protest when said Nativity Scenes are removed from the public square not realizing that it is them who have been infringing the rights of others. Not the other way around.

So it is with the consumption of meat as a societal norm. I am not saying rights were infringed, but it is we vegetarians who have kept quiet while being daily confronted with the realities of living in a meat dominant culture. Now vegetarians are speaking out. Get used to it. When you hitch your wagon to an agenda of change, you may just get more change than you bargained for.
Yeah, yeah, do you think a lioness is upset about the animals she kills to survive? How about a wolf? Humans are predatory animals, we are meant to eat meat.
Animals do not have the choice. We do. I exercise my choice and I do not advocate forcing anyone to join me.
I'm upset about the senseless slaughter of helpless vegetables every day to support your vegan ways....... :wink:
Gee, never heard that before. :roll:
You go ahead and vegan out, I'll keep eating meat.
You do what you want. I do what I want. Fine with me. But don't expect me to keep my choice to myself like it's some dirty secret.