Happy Thanksgiving!

bob jameson

Active Member
Yeah, I am well aware that this isn't about growing, but I wanted to reach the most of you possible in one thread. So anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here. May you all have much to be thankful for. I know I do.


Well-Known Member
Happy Thanksgiving to all, we have it a lot better than most people in the world. Let's not fight, let's not yell, let's put differences aside for one day and be filled with love and joy. I got my family around, my girlfriend and her son, plenty of food and football on the tube, a few joints ready. Life couldn't be better :)


A pleasent thing for you to write. Yep, it's not about growing, but being connected to people you enjoy is almost as important as cannabis. --------------This is the first year I've had a Thanksgiving to just myself and my hubby. It's quiet and my old friend isn't here this year. --------------- I thank God for that alone ========= Her bipolar rants were so intense we had to part ways together - When she called me a SLUT I knew we had to go our separete ways!!!!!!!!!!! Peace to everyone at Rollitup today *_)*