Happy thread :)

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So, how would it work?

Donald will be in a NY state prison before the 2022 election, but he will still capture the GOP nomination for 2024! Because of massive cheating and shenanigans, he wins the 2024 election by a vote of the states in congress, while Garland wrings his hands in moral confusion.

So what happens with Donald appointed as POTUS while in a NY maximum security slammer doing life, would they be stupid enough to give him day parole for the inauguration (good luck getting him back)?

Will Roberts come to his cell and administer the oath of office (which he already broke many times)?

Will they put the presidential seal under the grub hole on the door of his maximum security prison cell?

Give him the launch codes through the cell door grub hole?

His one call a week from a pay phone will be a busy one!

Will Donald be the first president to live in the big house and not the white house?

Will he shut the country down until NY agrees to release him from prison?

Unfortunately these are serious questions, even though they were posted as a joke and to point out the absurdity of the situation. Trump stands a good chance of winning the republican nomination with a half rotted brain from inside a NY state maximum security cell. Furthermore if Biden stutters in a speech, it with be OMG all over the media, a crises and a rush to elect Trump to save America!

If it sounds absurd, what have the last 5 years been?:lol:
But, New York didn't do too bad either.
No Blues though.
We expanded :)

Yea, I saw this band in 1978 in CBGB's ( a shithole bar in the Bowery, NYC :) )

For the depressed out there. You are looking to shut down default, or self referential processing, it's the Devil that is tormenting you and everybody else too. It happens when we are not focused on a problem or task and are standing around with our thumb up our ass doing nothing in particular. You can take up meditation to shut this tormenting voice down or lower it's volume, or you could try magic mushrooms. It's mushroom season and in much of north America these Psilocybe semilanceata are in cow pastures or on lawns at this time of year.

I meditate myself, but used to grow magic mushrooms in my misspent youth, have a read:
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