Happy thread :)

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i can't listen to enough hendrix. GOAT guitarist.
Did you see that film of Hendrix where he is sitting on a stool playing a 12 string acoustic with his hat on with a feather in it?
There's also an album, all white except Jimi sitting on that same stool.
He very seldom played acoustic which was a shame because it really showed off his artistry.
Try to see that film/get that album it is tremendous.
He was definitely the best/no doubt about it.
Your a lucky guy
I found it :)

Did you see that film of Hendrix where he is sitting on a stool playing a 12 string acoustic with his hat on with a feather in it?
There's also an album, all white except Jimi sitting on that same stool.
He very seldom played acoustic which was a shame because it really showed off his artistry.
Try to see that film/get that album it is tremendous.
He was definitely the best/no doubt about it.
Your a lucky guy
I found it :)

Love this Hendrix story.

Ok, I think most will agree that Hendrix was/is/will forever be the best guitarist that ever picked up that instrument
Then whose 2nd best?
I think this guy :)

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Amsterdam huh? Sounds nice :)
I always wanted to go there & pick tulips & check out the windmills & dikes. & prostitutes. (by dike I meant a structure :) )
Yea, I could imagine that the beer would tates better fresh
Ever been to Belgium?
Best beer in the EU in my opinion.
Oh, how was the herb there?
Just curious
Stay safe

I got to go about 20 years back, at that time the weed was amazing relative to what we normally had...though it was about the time that the good named varieties became more widely available so it wasn't like we hadn't seen that level. Buying over the counter was the coolest shit, blew my mind.

It really was the most amazing city I have visited in the world. It was kind of hard at the time finding good restaurants, I imagine smart phones make it easier, just so much amazing stuff every where, both on the debauchery side and just cool history and art.

Bought a Heineken from a vending machine. The brewery was cool. That's the beer my dad gave me as a kid to get me to not drink. Fuck that gross shit...unless it comes from a vending machine.
I got to go about 20 years back, at that time the weed was amazing relative to what we normally had...though it was about the time that the good named varieties became more widely available so it wasn't like we hadn't seen that level. Buying over the counter was the coolest shit, blew my mind.

It really was the most amazing city I have visited in the world. It was kind of hard at the time finding good restaurants, I imagine smart phones make it easier, just so much amazing stuff every where, both on the debauchery side and just cool history and art.

Bought a Heineken from a vending machine. The brewery was cool. That's the beer my dad gave me as a kid to get me to not drink. Fuck that gross shit...unless it comes from a vending machine.
I can imagine Amsterdam is awesome, it's so fucking old.
Thats what I love about Europe, here, if it's 200 years old, it's old.
Over there it is thousands of years
Paris is more than 2,000 years old. Gauls of the Parisii tribe settled there between 250 and 200 BC and founded a fishing village on an island in the river that is the present-day Ile de la Cité -- the center around which Paris developed.
Notre-Dame is almost 700 years old.
Did you see the Van Gough museum? He's my favorite artist.



This guy comes in a close 2nd.


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