Happy thread :)

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Happy St Patrick's Day 1st off :)
No person in Ireland eats corned beef ,never ever fucking did
It's an American tradition
It started in New York/Boston because it was the most affordable cut of meat available for the Irish immigrants
Just letting you know :)

Interesting. This thread is actually the first time I've ever heard corned beef being associated with St. Paddy's. I'm Canadian.
that show was hit or miss for me: i loved the funny episodes and disliked the serious ones.

so colonel potter or colonel blake? i'm a blake guy.
Weird. My wife and I were just talking about this last night. We were watching something with Donald Sutherland which led to MASH the movie, which led to MASH the TV show, which led to who did we like better, Blake or Potter.

I said Blake, she said Potter.
Weird. My wife and I were just talking about this last night. We were watching something with Donald Sutherland which led to MASH the movie, which led to MASH the TV show, which led to who did we like better, Blake or Potter.

I said Blake, she said Potter.
that is strange. glad you're on board with blake. lmao!!! when i took the dog for a walk, i was thinking about the episodes they did in winter. and how it must have sucked in a canvas tent. and probably hot and humid as hell in summer.

suicide is painless...
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