Happy thread :)

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Guys, I bought a Cub Cadet XT1 riding lawn mower tonight after work

I just cut my yard and this mower is sweet, cuts nice and rides nice. Kohler 5400 series
541cc 18hp
42 inch deck
Hydrostatic transmission

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I'm really happy, except moles tore my yard up in a couple spots

I have not had a chance to mow my yard in 3 weeks, I feel good I finally got it done tonight, one less thing to do this holiday weekend.

You're hired.
Guys, I bought a Cub Cadet XT1 riding lawn mower tonight after work

I just cut my yard and this mower is sweet, cuts nice and rides nice. Kohler 5400 series
541cc 18hp
42 inch deck
Hydrostatic transmission

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View attachment 4934730

I'm really happy, except moles tore my yard up in a couple spots

I have not had a chance to mow my yard in 3 weeks, I feel good I finally got it done tonight, one less thing to do this holiday weekend.
Congrats on the new machine - beats red.

Our grandson was 3 when we took him to the local fair that included tractors on display. He refused to sit on one that was red. Green was ok though - wonder where he got that from.

During the crash up derby he served up "gotta buy a new one" after major collisions. Kids can crack you up.
Meet the Anti-MAGA Trolls - The Atlantic

Meet the Anti-MAGA Trolls
Inside the Reddit communities that can’t leave the right-wing internet alone

Late in the evening on Christmas Day, the lawyer and Donald Trump loyalist Lin Wood tweeted an elaborate infographic stating his views about the upcoming U.S. Senate runoff election in Georgia. The final tally would be corrupted by Dominion voting machines, it said, and the only way to expose the fraud would be to boycott the election. That would “break the algorithm” by producing a result in which the GOP candidates would receive fewer than zero votes—and then the Supreme Court would have “no choice” but to overturn the presidential election, while someone would have no choice but to arrest Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, as well as Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler and the other GOP candidate, David Perdue. “I just want an HONEST election,” Wood wrote above the image. “Don’t you?”

The next day, on Reddit, the members of a vaguely leftist community called r/ParlerTrick started celebrating. One of them had created the infographic out of whole cloth, with the hopes that it would be picked up in right-wing internet spaces and persuade Trump supporters not to vote in the runoff. That Wood had come across it and shared it himself was a far wilder result than they could have hoped for. Still, most of them avoided breaking character in their posts. “We must have fair elections. We must know the Truth!!!” one wrote. “Let every nasty democRAT vote while true patriots stay home and trust the plan!” wrote another. The fact that Wood was calling for the arrests of various Georgia political figures was soon covered by Yahoo News, Business Insider, and other bloggy mainstream outlets, with no mention of the way the thought had been incepted into his tweets.

That wasn’t an ordinary day in r/ParlerTrick, but it is representative of the group’s culture. Members of the forum—which was created shortly after the 2020 election and is named after the social-media app Parler—pretend to be prototypical social-media “patriots” in order to sow confusion in right-wing online spaces. They boosted the hashtag #DeleteParler as part of an effort to convince other Parler users that the app is a “wholly-owned project of the FBI” and that everything posted there is subject to surveillance by the “Deep State.” In the days following the Capitol riot, they spread a rumor that anyone who attended would be pardoned by Trump if they turned themselves in before the end of his term. Recently, r/ParlerTrick subscribers signed up for free tickets to an event hosted at the Iowa Corn Palace by the MyPillow CEO and Trump loyalist Mike Lindell in order to limit actual attendance, and then congratulated themselves on their choices of fake names: Harry Sach, Yura Dumas, Ann T. Fa.

At first glance, the forum’s whole deal can be difficult to discern. When I first reached out to its moderator team, r/ParlerTrick’s creator replied, “Can you please stop being racist about reddit and swearing about it thank you.” Several weeks later, after he agreed to an interview, I asked him what that message even meant. “We kind of wanted to keep it a little cryptic,” he told me, also sort of cryptically. Then he asked to go by his middle name, Michael, because he and the other moderators are often harassed and sometimes receive death threats.

Michael and his compatriots are targets on account of their participation in one of the most visible and active forums in a new online ecosystem dedicated to surveilling and poking the MAGA universe. (In other subreddits, members boast of messing with those on the conspiracy-theory-hotbed platform MeWe and the QAnon-favored chat app Telegram.) These forums signify an important cultural shift: For the past five years or so, internet trolls have been among the most hated and feared actors in American politics, blamed for the rise of Trump and the sad triumph of ironic bigotry. Then an upswell of leftist trolling started attracting attention last summer, when the hacking collective Anonymous returned after years of dormancy and coordinated, internet-based pranks were adopted as part of the political tool kits of K-pop fans, TikTok kids, and random coalitions of Twitter users.

The question is whether all of these anti-MAGA trolls represent a corrective counterforce or a misguided reaction. “Even the most ethically oriented troll is always going to be controversial because it uses deception,” says Gabriella Coleman, a cultural anthropologist known for her research on Anonymous. Trolling is also chaotic as a rule. “These campaigns spiral,” she told me.

The Parler trolls on Reddit first got together in a forum called r/ParlerWatch. It was imagined as a small space for like-minded Redditors to share the most out-there things they’d seen on Parler, and to come up with ways to mess with the people who were sincerely posting on the app. But it grew quickly, gaining about 16,000 members in its first week, and its creator, Sloane—who asked to go by his middle name for the same reasons as Michael—decided to steer the forum in a more serious direction. Now, instead of hatching practical jokes, its 150,000 members focus on surveilling the Trump-loyalist internet and organizing moments of “armchair activism,” such as combing through Parler data scraped from the site after the Capitol riot and sending tips to the FBI. “Monitoring right-wing spaces online has always been kind of a hobby of mine,” Sloane told me.
more ...
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Trump: ‘One law for hungry pizza thiefs, another for law for me’ - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism

Trump: ‘One law for hungry pizza thieves, another for law for me’

The extraordinary indictment of the Trump Organization Thursday prompted an extraordinarily awful response from its sole owner and its lawyer.

Trump asserted that he can pick and choose which laws he obeys. His lawyer, Alan Futerfass, says that prosecutors should have settled the Trump Organization tax fraud allegations in secret negotiations, not with criminal charges filed in public.

What's brazen is how Trump and lawyer Futerfass reveal their support for two systems of justice, separate and unequal, with people like themselves getting special light treatment.

Pay close attention to the last words in this Trump Organization statement: "The district attorney is bringing a criminal prosecution involving employee benefits that neither the IRS nor any other district attorney would ever think of bringing."

The statement is a lie. Tax fraud cases involving unreported compensation get prosecuted.

Still, the Trump organization statement may still serve a useful purpose by awakening the public to how little prosecution there is against what the IRS says is rampant and growing tax evasion at the top of the economic ladder, which may cost the rest of us more than a trillion dollars a year.

The Trumpian assertion that prosecutors should not bring charges against thieves who steal from our governments reveals the entitled view among too many of the wealthiest and most privileged Americans. Many of them think money makes them special, so special that the criminal law shouldn't apply to them.

The 15-count indictments returned by a Manhattan grand jury are only the first in what are likely to be a series of charges. Ultimately, I anticipate that a grand jury will return a state-level racketeering enterprise indictment. That would allow a receiver to take control of the Trump Organization, ending its decades of cheating workers, vendors, governments and investors.

The richly detailed bill of particulars hints at other likely prosecutions.

Prosecutors charged Trump bagman Allen Weisselberg only after he repeatedly rejected invitations to flip on Trump and turn state's evidence. Weisselberg, the indictment says, destroyed some evidence and maintained two sets of books to hide transactions from tax collectors.

This indictment is a tool to leverage Weisselberg, to get him to realize the awful fate that awaits him if he clings to Trump.

After 48 years of doing the Trump family's dirty work, Weisselberg has become a wholly-owned psychological subsidiary of Trump's criminal mind. Breaking free would be difficult for Weisselberg, who is about to turn 74, but the prospect of dying in prison may clarify his thoughts about his moral and legal duty. Weisselberg could get 15 years, but he also might get probation.

Trump has long argued that he is above the law.

When Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance was trying to get his accounting, business, and tax records, Trump fought it to the Supreme Court twice. In 2019, Trump lawyer George Consovoy told a federal judge that if Trump actually shot someone on Fifth Avenue, the NYPD could not even investigate the murder.

Trump Textbook
Years earlier Trump endorsed a "textbook" for his scam Trump University. This from Trump University Asset Protection 101: Tax and Legal Strategies of the Rich: "When you own your own business, you determine how much income tax you pay."

That's not true, but it sure tells you where Trump's thinking goes.

Contrast Trump's cavalier attitude about breaking the law with how American law enforcement and the courts treat those born into poverty who commit petty nonviolent crimes.

Willie Simmons is serving life in an Alabama prison for stealing $9 in 1982. Alvin Kennard got the same life sentence for stealing $36 in 1984, though a judge freed him last year.

50 years for a Pizza Thief
Jerry Dewayne Williams—broke, hungry and turned away when he begged for food—grabbed a slice of pizza from four children in Redondo Beach, Calif. Williams got 25 years to life, though a judge let him go after five years.

And then there's Leandro Andrade, another penniless man, who stole four videos in one store and five in another. The U.S. Supreme Court held that his consecutive 25-year sentences were "not unreasonable."

Yet the Trump Organization asserts that enabling its chief finance officer to steal $880,000 from the federal, state and New York City governments shouldn't be prosecuted.

Nine bucks, nine videos, one slice of pizza for a hungry man result in life sentences or damn close, but prosecutors should look the other way or allow tax fraudsters to negotiate in secret, pay some money and go on their way? That's Trumpian chutzpah.

Victor Hugo's 19th Century novel Les Misérables about Jean Valjean, who stole bread for his starving sister and spent the next 19 years in prison, is not exactly fiction in modern-day America.

One law for peasants and another for the privileged is not in our Declaration of Independence or our Constitution. Still, it dwells in the hearts of a majority of our Supreme Court justices, as well as Donald Trump and his costly white-collar criminal defense lawyers.

Expect More Indictments
You can be sure that the finely detailed case filed Thursday is far from a comprehensive indictment of Trump Organization tax cheating.

Barbara Res, who for many years oversaw Trump construction projects, told Ari Melber on MSNBC just hours after the arraignments about dubious thousand-dollar a week expense accounts.

"The first time I started working for Trump, one of the first things I encountered was, I was checking expenses of one of our top employees, and they were ridiculous," Res said.

Res said she spoke to Trump about the inexplicable expense money only to discover he was behind it. "Trump told me to just come up with just so much, I forget the amount, a thousand dollars a week or whatever it was in expenses, maybe not that much back then, and they'll be paid. And they'll be off the books."

What Res described is tax fraud, plain and simple. And if we applied to Trump the same standards applied to Simmons, Kennard, Williams and Andrade, then Trump would have started wearing an orange jumpsuit decades ago. But we don't have equal justice for all.

Notice that Trump's statement through the Trump Organization and lawyer Futterfas's statements aren't denials of tax fraud, just assertions that to prosecute for these crimes isn't fair.
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A fate worse than death, to be assimilated by the collective, resistance is futile... There aren't that many snowbirds living there and the Quebecers keep to themselves!
Ron DeSantis: I saved Florida from turning into Canada – DeadState

Ron DeSantis: I saved Florida from turning into Canada

Speaking to Fox News host Mark Levin this Sunday, Florida’s GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis said his saved his state from governmental overreach during the COVID pandemic — governmental overreach that would have made Florida look like Canada.

“You just have so many threats to freedom nowadays. And what we’re doing is we’ve essentially, ‘Katie, bar the door’ to protect Floridians and to protect their freedoms and opportunities. And you see it in a number of different ways,” said DeSantis.

As Fox News points out, much of Canada is still under lockdown.

“We were the leading state fighting against coronavirus lockdowns,” DeSantis continued. “I believe had Florida not done that, you would see the other states to have followed Canada, for example, [which] is still locked down.”

“I think that’s what a lot of these bureaucrats wanted to see in the United States. And we made sure that we lead in a different direction,” he said, adding that his decision to ban vaccine passports and winning a court battle against the CDC restrictions will allow the cruise industry to be able to operate this summer.

“They didn’t have authority to do that. All these experts said, ‘oh, you just have to do whatever the CDC says,’” he added.

He also had a few things to say about Critical Race Theory.

“As soon as we started to see that percolate throughout the country, I immediately said, ‘we’re teaching the Constitution’. We’re going to teach American civics and American history. And we don’t have room for ideologies like critical race theory that are based on false premises,” DeSantis said. “People are happy that we’re doing that because they most parents do not want their kids indoctrinated with a lot of these ideologies.”
Congrats on the new machine - beats red.

Our grandson was 3 when we took him to the local fair that included tractors on display. He refused to sit on one that was red. Green was ok though - wonder where he got that from.

During the crash up derby he served up "gotta buy a new one" after major collisions. Kids can crack you up.

red = danger.
A fate worse than death, to be assimilated by the collective, resistance is futile... There aren't that many snowbirds living there and the Quebecers keep to themselves!
Ron DeSantis: I saved Florida from turning into Canada – DeadState

Ron DeSantis: I saved Florida from turning into Canada

Speaking to Fox News host Mark Levin this Sunday, Florida’s GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis said his saved his state from governmental overreach during the COVID pandemic — governmental overreach that would have made Florida look like Canada.

“You just have so many threats to freedom nowadays. And what we’re doing is we’ve essentially, ‘Katie, bar the door’ to protect Floridians and to protect their freedoms and opportunities. And you see it in a number of different ways,” said DeSantis.

As Fox News points out, much of Canada is still under lockdown.

“We were the leading state fighting against coronavirus lockdowns,” DeSantis continued. “I believe had Florida not done that, you would see the other states to have followed Canada, for example, [which] is still locked down.”

“I think that’s what a lot of these bureaucrats wanted to see in the United States. And we made sure that we lead in a different direction,” he said, adding that his decision to ban vaccine passports and winning a court battle against the CDC restrictions will allow the cruise industry to be able to operate this summer.

“They didn’t have authority to do that. All these experts said, ‘oh, you just have to do whatever the CDC says,’” he added.

He also had a few things to say about Critical Race Theory.

“As soon as we started to see that percolate throughout the country, I immediately said, ‘we’re teaching the Constitution’. We’re going to teach American civics and American history. And we don’t have room for ideologies like critical race theory that are based on false premises,” DeSantis said. “People are happy that we’re doing that because they most parents do not want their kids indoctrinated with a lot of these ideologies.”

I wonder if this clown has a gun collection too, nothing like a pissed off Trumper!
‘Kids can see it’: Neighbors frustrated as Trump supporters refuse to take down profanity-laced anti-Biden flag - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism

‘Kids can see it’: Neighbors frustrated as Trump supporters refuse to take down profanity-laced anti-Biden flag


An anti-Biden flag on a homeowner's property in a Tennessee town has some residents upset over its foul language, WJHL reports.

"F*** Biden and f*** you for voting for him," the flag reads.

Munford Mayor Dwayne Cole says that although the flag is offensive, he doesn't have the power to take it down.

"It's vile. It's vulgar. It's protected speech under the Constitution. If I had the authority to make him take it down, I would definitely do that," Cole said, adding that he spoke with the homeowner who said he has no intentions of taking the flag down. The homeowner also reportedly has a pro-Trump flag that contains profanity.

Speaking to WJHL, local resident Jay DeWitt said that it's not the politics of the flag that bothers him, it's the profanity.

"If it said f*** Trump, I would have the same problem," he said. "I have children. I have two children. We have a lot of children in that community. The kids can see it."
I wonder if this clown has a gun collection too, nothing like a pissed off Trumper!
‘Kids can see it’: Neighbors frustrated as Trump supporters refuse to take down profanity-laced anti-Biden flag - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism

‘Kids can see it’: Neighbors frustrated as Trump supporters refuse to take down profanity-laced anti-Biden flag

View attachment 4935049

An anti-Biden flag on a homeowner's property in a Tennessee town has some residents upset over its foul language, WJHL reports.

"F*** Biden and f*** you for voting for him," the flag reads.

Munford Mayor Dwayne Cole says that although the flag is offensive, he doesn't have the power to take it down.

"It's vile. It's vulgar. It's protected speech under the Constitution. If I had the authority to make him take it down, I would definitely do that," Cole said, adding that he spoke with the homeowner who said he has no intentions of taking the flag down. The homeowner also reportedly has a pro-Trump flag that contains profanity.

Speaking to WJHL, local resident Jay DeWitt said that it's not the politics of the flag that bothers him, it's the profanity.

"If it said f*** Trump, I would have the same problem," he said. "I have children. I have two children. We have a lot of children in that community. The kids can see it."
wasn't "water landing" from Carlin?

I wonder if this clown has a gun collection too, nothing like a pissed off Trumper!
‘Kids can see it’: Neighbors frustrated as Trump supporters refuse to take down profanity-laced anti-Biden flag - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism

‘Kids can see it’: Neighbors frustrated as Trump supporters refuse to take down profanity-laced anti-Biden flag

View attachment 4935049

An anti-Biden flag on a homeowner's property in a Tennessee town has some residents upset over its foul language, WJHL reports.

"F*** Biden and f*** you for voting for him," the flag reads.

Munford Mayor Dwayne Cole says that although the flag is offensive, he doesn't have the power to take it down.

"It's vile. It's vulgar. It's protected speech under the Constitution. If I had the authority to make him take it down, I would definitely do that," Cole said, adding that he spoke with the homeowner who said he has no intentions of taking the flag down. The homeowner also reportedly has a pro-Trump flag that contains profanity.

Speaking to WJHL, local resident Jay DeWitt said that it's not the politics of the flag that bothers him, it's the profanity.

"If it said f*** Trump, I would have the same problem," he said. "I have children. I have two children. We have a lot of children in that community. The kids can see it."
Guys, I bought a Cub Cadet XT1 riding lawn mower tonight after work

I just cut my yard and this mower is sweet, cuts nice and rides nice. Kohler 5400 series
541cc 18hp
42 inch deck
Hydrostatic transmission
There was a study done that found men basically loved their tools in the same way they love their women.
I'm still digging around for it but this article kinda points in that direction.
Do the women in your lives know they're in competition with your saws-all?
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