Happy thread :)

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I still have to hand it to the Catholic church for putting the right person at the top of the ticket. A young unmarried Jewish girl gets herself in the family way, and she talks her old man into believing God did it. Then when the kid came along, she convinced him too. Yep, the right person is in charge.
Part of me thinks she said 'gazpacho' on purpose. Here we are talking about her how ever long it has been still, while if she said it right it would have just been a normal stupid shit thing she said that got ignored.

With these insurrectionist fame whores it is all about that free o2.
Part of me thinks she said 'gazpacho' on purpose. Here we are talking about her how ever long it has been still, while if she said it right it would have just been a normal stupid shit thing she said that got ignored.

With these insurrectionist fame whores it is all about that free o2.
How to succeed in politics. Act stupid and build a campaign war chest from the publicity.
Part of me thinks she said 'gazpacho' on purpose. Here we are talking about her how ever long it has been still, while if she said it right it would have just been a normal stupid shit thing she said that got ignored.

With these insurrectionist fame whores it is all about that free o2.

Bet boebert's pissed.

I root root for the home team....if they don't win its a shame...something something this joke is lame.
And don't forget to tell the ATF your former lover has a gun! Gasp!!

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I figure if you made hand guns illegal and made confiscation of the house it was found in, or property it was found on mandatory, it would get a lot of guns and husbands turned in by wives who wanna keep their homes. It would be an effective tactic and save lot's of lives, turn in the asshole yer living with and save yer house, CALL NOW!
I figure if you made hand guns illegal and made confiscation of the house it was found in, or property it was found on mandatory, it would get a lot of guns and husbands turned in by wives who wanna keep their homes. It would be an effective tactic and save lot's of lives, turn in the asshole yer living with and save yer house, CALL NOW!

You and Trump want to "take guns first, due process second" . Tsk Tsk Tsk.
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