Hard Dirt


Well-Known Member
and all for all, fuck school cuz all they do is corrupt kids in to thinking that weed is bad and all who smoke it are (accourding to dumbfucks at my prison (school), lowlifes. so get off my case about school. Oh yea, and i graduwated last year and i dont do the stealing, my friend does.
lol if you are unsure of the way a word is spelled, look it up. dude I hate to say it but it does not sound like the school did any corruption, it sounds like it is the people you hang with. just out of morbid curiosity, how long did it take you to graduwate? 6-7 years lol


Well-Known Member
Come on guys, don't take the piss. The poor lad's only come on here to get advice like the rest of us - just cos you know more than him doesn't mean you have to be cruel!


Well-Known Member
ok, first of all i graduwated on time, second of all im the worst speller ever! and why should i look up something when
you know wut im talking about?