Hard Nugs--more strain or grow??

There used to be a nute called Gravity that claimed it would tough nugs up. The hype on the internet is that it could make your buds into little rocks. I bought a bottle but don't remember much about it. I still have some of it but meh.


Well-Known Member
I will take your HID buds head to head any day. Even on density.

Over-all size and weight? Yes. HID's will win. Density? I'll put mine against any HID any day.
Size weight and hardness hid will win
There is no way to put em against each other lol we would need do same clones off same mother with same nuts everything the same except lights would be interesting


Well-Known Member
Not sure if anyone said this already, I didn't read every post. But just wanted to mention that I've read before if the humidity is higher later in bloom the buds will be harder, but you also risk mold. Honestly I'm not even sure how true that is either, but I happened to read this not too long ago. Maybe look into it if you care to.


Well-Known Member
more to add ^ I will some what be putting this to the test soon. I am fixing to start pulling in outside air again, to try and get my plants to turn color.
In the process I should be raising humidity because of the winter weather. If I see anything negative I'll cap the ducting again and go back to
pulling air from in my room and depending on a Co2 bag, which I'm not too impressed with the ExHale Co2 bag, the white matter has turned to mush in the bottom of the bag. I think the idea higher humidity isn't so much an effect on density. I'm assuming what I read was more referring to like if you had two nug's nearly identical both well cared for, about the same density or rather shape. But one was flowered with high humidity. Then the higher humidity nug will be like a rock. I don't particularly like rock hard nugs, they are harder to use in my grinder. I don't like crazy sticky nug's either, they clog my grinder. I just hope I don't get f'ed over with mold.
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Well-Known Member
First, I appreciate all the serious responses. Thanks.


Not sure one could get much denser than someone who mistakes a novelty pic of a hispanic American as a symbol of "white power". But we both know, Uncle Puke, that you actually do know it is not one...just as you know the date also has nothing to do with white power. You sir are a small, disingenuous, creepy thing. Truth be known then, you are following me around this forum castigating me because why again? Intolerance to any disagreement?? Did I embarrass you??? You are a cancer here and every day I am surprised they let you exist. I certainly do not mind civil disagreement but your trolling of me and your attempts at character assassination shows a troubled personality. You might want to try and get some mental health help. The weed is not working.
Daamn. If weed wont work you got a serious problem..
Excellent composure btw Brave Dave.