HardCorps' First Bagseed LST Closet Grow


Active Member
Well, I feel its time for a bit of an upgrade seeing as its been about a week.

For the past few days nothing much has been happening besides some foliage growth on my only baby that pulled through the gf's Robo-Bleach attack... I started 4 new beans and their growing up quickly. I still plan to transplant outdoors once it warms up a bit (the midwest is killing me right now lol), and I'm hoping to get at least 2 females.

I transplanted the survivor into a 3 gallon which will be its final resting place just today. I watered around the plant in hopes of the roots reaching out and searching. I also added a few more lights seeing as I had to move some things around. I'll try to post some pics later tonight.

Any questions, comments, or advice is always appreciated. Until then...




Active Member
ok well here are the pics for the update. a few notes on some of them, the big one is my survivor (obviously), looks healthy to me. I was going to start LST on it but im not sure if I should seeing as its been through ALOT already lol. Will LST affect it more than it alrdy is or no? The rest are just pics of the new beans I started. One of them has some burning due to the fact that it decided to stretch and touch the light. poor little thing :( so now one of its leaves are curled up. you can clearly see it lol.


jeeeeesus, i envy your wattage. i've only got space for 4 bulbs in my case grow :( and only one installed so far because i have no roses to power them.

LST...i dunno man, as far as i know it's just like the plant moving toward the light as it would outside as the sun travels across the sky. Unless the stem is stiff, I doubt it's gonna cause it any harm at all, but maybe to be safe leave it a week?


Active Member
yea, i was gonna let it grow a while longer and maybe get a little taller before i strap her down. i actually did tie her down the other day but when i translplanted i just never re did it cause i wanted some info on weather it hurt or not lol.


Active Member
Ok so something new and quite strange happened to me today, as I was inspecting my plants this morning I noticed something quite odd in one of my plants. At first I thought it was just a small leaf that had fallen off or something but upon closer inspection I saw that it was actually another plant growing inside the soil. What kind of plant? I do not know.

So i'm just wondering what should I do? Oh, and also this particular plant seems to be droopier than the others. Idk if the mini plant has something to do with this or not (i'd assume not but what do I know). So should I just pull it out?


where did you get your soil from? was it sterilised? if not it might just be a plant seed that's somehow got in there and germinated. you could let it grow a bit and find out what it is, but if it were me i'd probably pull it out mate.

maybe try transplanting it or something just out of curiosity?


Active Member
Hey all, time for a small update (sorry no pics for a while seeing as my pc monitor is toast. so unless I upload from another pc no pics...)

woo is it fuckin hotttt. pushing 96F in tha SHADE!!!

so yesterday i walked in and checked on my plants and i may have a small problem. basically I'm wondering why 2 of my babys have all their leaves pointing up. I was thinking heat stress seeing as its fucking hot here lol. and maybe some moisture stress or something too. when i last checked the temp was 92F. I placed a fan next to them so I'm hoping they cool down. I will also put some ice in a buckt when I get home. Oh and I'm running 8 14W CFLs less than one inch. Should I move them a bit?

thx for any help guys.

:peace: out

i think it might be the light burning the leaves, i use CFL's and i find that when they get too close the tips of the leaves strt curling up a bit, people say the optimum distance is 2-4 inches. Hope this helps :)


Well-Known Member
Hey HC laaaaaaad. Just thought i would pop by see how the grow was doing. I think your right about the heat. I have seen this before on another thread. You would be well to move the lights back until normal growth continues. Good idea with the ice. Apart from that mate, there looking good. And the set up looks spot on aswell....



Active Member
yea there doing good, was gone for 3 days so when I came back they needed water badly but they're doin good again, ill post pics within the next few days with new growth. probably. when I transplant them into the bigger pots. thx for dropin by dan :)


Active Member
Hey man, that was wierd about the other plant growing in there....Also I run clfs as you know and i got a shit load of em like 8 25's...I try to keep em at about 2 inches but I have the same problem with heat. Next to the lights it gets in the low 90's but further down the box its much lower. My plants were doing the same thing. The are trying to like sweat basically. Just move em up a little. I havent found a good cure yet. More intake outtake fans should work and a fan blowing over the lights