hardening off is bullshit? leaves bleached? won't die? waste of time? sometimes I wonder just where some of the moderator's and these user's with all this rep come from? Do you guys just play tag with some buddies to get your rep up? How much do YOU GUYS really know? I find it comical how in almost all the posts saying hardening off is waste of time, but yet they still list some side effects, i.e stress.... sure your plants won't fucking die, severe cases yes they will. going from fluro tubes or low wattage cfls to full sun full time? you wont lose any huh? well, what fucking strain is that? cuz i'd sure like to save time on hardening too, so if there is a strain out there thats so fucking hardy please do, share with us all. Now, back to the original argument. as mentioned they wont die atleast not all of them or maybe none of them in best case scenario. but also like stated it will invoke stress upon them. yes some stress is good for them, but i think and im sure others do that being grown outdoors for a grow season will put enough stress on them, don't you? if not, where do you grow? I wanna grow there. now, stress, what do we know about stress? stress can cause males, hermies, even death. now stressing the shit out of them more than you absolutely need to I would consider a bit wreckless. do you want to go out one day and find a hermie that pollinated everything in that grow? a hermie that possibly could've been prevented by not stressing them like that?? I sure don't like to push my luck. especially when I gotta pay for all that shit. soil,ammendments,fertilizers,carry all that fucking water, (water is heavy), my time needed to take care of them, buying the seed, everything costs money, by throwing them straight out into the great outdoors you increase the odds of males and hermies. why would one want to increase an already high male to female ratio? unless you have a mother plant and can root clones like a mofo that alot of wasted time tending to males and hermies you could have possibly had as females..