Hardening Off (witholding water)


Active Member
Im looking at differnt ways that i can do to harden plants, getting them ready for for outdoors.

So im looking for the easyest way that will suit me and i was reading on this website and i stumbled across this. i wanted to know if any 1 has tryed this b4 with mj??.

This is what i found..

Withholding Water
Allowing seedlings to wilt has the same effect as gradually exposing them to the elements.

1. Starting about 2 weeks before your transplant date, don't water your seedlings until they start to wilt.

2. At this point, water normally, then wait for them to wilt again.

3. After 2 weeks of this process, seedlings should be ready to transplant. Try to do so on a cloudy day and be sure to water well after planting.

Whats your imput?

Regards Perk


Active Member
I wouldn't recommend it. Allowing the plants to wilt will stress the plant and stunt growth. You should only water a little less often to get them accustomed to the less-frequent watering they would receive outside. Although, you should never allow your plants (especially young seedlings) to wilt at all.


Well-Known Member
Never tried it.
But stress em them out before I put em outdoors into more stress seems like a bad Idea.


Active Member
meh you shouldnt worry if you got good genetics. i found usually only light leaks cause hermies. i let my plants wilt slightly before watering either way. cannabis prefers dry,wet,dry,wet instead of constanlty wet anyway. once they wilt from dryness and you apply a watering, they jump back within 24hrs. only in severe cases they wont recover.

stress in veg doesnt do anything other then slow growth, growth is extremely fast outside anyway though. avoid stressing in flower, thats the biggie