Harpin Proteins?

Ive been hearing about Harpin Proteins and wondering if there is a any product available in the US that contains these? Apparently Halo contains a 4 receptor protein and Messenger only one receptor Protein? Im not sure. Any additional info would be great. Any UK growers ever used any of theses?


New Member
There has been little to no research done on how the protein effects humans, it might increase harvest but it might also be very carcinogenic, has there been any research done on reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity and acute toxicity. Remember that this is going to be used for smoking.


Well-Known Member
look up a product called axiom from RX green solutions, pretty sure its available to where ever things can be shipped.


Well-Known Member
There has been little to no research done on how the protein effects humans, it might increase harvest but it might also be very carcinogenic, has there been any research done on reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity and acute toxicity. Remember that this is going to be used for smoking.

Is this guy some kind of weird robot or something? A post about harpins pops up very rarely and when they do this guovsahas guy always swoops in with that exact same post. In fact, all seven of his posts are him saying that.

Anyway, I have used Halo but it didn't seem to do anything spectacular. Not that my experimentation was scientific in any sort of way, but it is quite a pricey product to commit to.


New Member
I've been using halo for quite some time. Think it actually works as stated except the yeild increase. Makes your veg faster and I've found the growth rates make it a product worth using. Never mind the benefits you don't see. New to this site but have been growing for over ten years. It's no magic bullet but then again nothing really is. Lol. But I believe the product is Def worth the cost.