Harris 2020

Always trust cops, they have your best interest in mind. Not someone like Sanders or Warren who has been consistent on this issue their entire career
Warren is pretty good.

Sanders is a terrible leader and wrote an awfully incomplete bill that would overhaul our healthcare system without enough detail for the OMB to do a cost analysis. It also left out how to pay for it. Many other details were left out too. One detail it did say was that it would outlaw competition from private insurance companies. Does he plan to make Medicare so bad that it couldn't compete with private?

Does it really matter that Sanders is for legalizing MJ when he's clearly unfit to be president for so many other reasons? Harris, Warren and others are for legalizing too. Maybe we should consider them?

I would legalize MJ too. So you should for vote for me. I have no clue how to run a government, am socially inept and am continually alienating people by telling them exactly how stupid they are -- in other words, very much like Bernie. But hey! I'm for legalizing MJ, so vote for me.
It would be such a shame to waste Harris in a VP debate lol. Maybe if Trump picks up Nicky Haley for VP and drops Pence.
it could be harris/biden too but biden has staying power with a big chunk of the democratic electorate that probably feels like the party has been running away from them on social issues. i think he will easily win the nomination
It is such a shame if we miss the chance to see Harris vs Trump on the debate stage, but yeah Biden will give the best opportunity to win house and senate along w the presidency.
it could be harris/biden too but biden has staying power with a big chunk of the democratic electorate that probably feels like the party has been running away from them on social issues. i think he will easily win the nomination
If Biden can't pull off the nomination, I think he drops fast and fully throws support behind Harris. He isn't needed as a VP, Booker, Klobachar, maybe the Denver guy, lots of good easy choices.
Nah, Harris is too far ahead of her time to lose. I mean, she heard Tupac in 1985 while high on cannabis. She won't lose. She is going to toss Trump in the slammer.

Harris 2020
You think the cop who laughed about the legalization of marijuana in California in 2014 is the best to be president after admitting your top issue is marijuana legalization
You don't joke about weed? You're afraid of a sex-crimes prosecutor who made jokes about weed? Here, she lays it out. She has a lot to say if you want to listen to her before telling me what she said.
You don't joke about weed? You're afraid of a sex-crimes prosecutor who made jokes about weed? Here, she lays it out. She has a lot to say if you want to listen to her before telling me what she said.
I don't care what a politician says. I care what a politician does and has done throughout their entire career. Not just doing the right thing once it becomes politically convenient.
I don't care what a politician says. I care what a politician does and has done throughout their entire career. Not just doing the right thing once it becomes politically convenient.
But Bernie hasn't accomplished anything meaningful and you fucking worship him. I mean, he talks more than anyone about a $15 min wage but didn't even pay his staffers $12. Harris on the other hand, has not shown any tendencies to fail to do what she says that she will do and she says she is going to prosecute Donald Trump. She's going to toss him in the slammer.

Harris 2020.