Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!


Well-Known Member
I suggest you put the first batch straight into the veg unit, i had a hard time cramming the roots down the holes, i think i ripped a few. but then again mine were in root plugs so the roots were coming out the side all over the place.
Wait to you find out what you do when all the roots start coming out of the tube, grow into the water and start clogging your pump. Cut them!

In fact I don't wait to clog the pump I just cut them when they start hanging down a few inches. Of course all this will be in the Aero/NFT tutorial coming soon!

The roots are tough as hell bro. I used to be worried about damaging them. Now I just use common sense and try not to drop them.


Well-Known Member
Oh by the way - I have been following this thread since it first got started and I had built 3 bloom systems for a total of 42 sites (14 per system - 7 per post). Today I built the cloner and I plant to build the veg unit soon. I have some plants going now that are just about mature enough to take clones from. I also have a ton of seeds that I just germinated and had in rockwool. Tonight I took some cuttings and took some of the plants out of the rockwool and placed them in the cloner beneath a flouro light. I will post some pics later and report on the progress of both the clones and seedlings. If everything goes well I plan to germinate some of my really good ($$expensive$$) seeds and use the sytems to take them to maturity.


Well-Known Member
are you just really high or not understanding the question. please dont try to answer if you dont know the answer. 2-4 inches is a general range that he put down i am asking what he specifically uses.


Well-Known Member
even during flowering. so the size of the pot doesnt really matter. hmmmm def better then using soil.


Well-Known Member
this thread is to good to incorporate petty bickering. good shit should be a little more attentive but its to late where i am at.