Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

Stink got someone to help me put the system together:clap:... I would like to do the smaller 8 plant flower setup in a 4x4 tent, do you think I can have 2 small setup in the tent or should I just have 1? I have a 400watt light...

i use lowes strong boxes for my veg units and im going to be using 2 of those units side by side in my 4 by 4 tent.......
i was going to use 12 holes in each unit and do a 24 plant sog type grow....maybe veg till 8 inches and then into 12/12
bet the yield will be better than u think
Yo Dirt - my leaves on some plants did that too around week 6. I am pretty certain it is a two-fold problem; primarily caused by heat stress, and secondarily by an imbalanced nutrient solution. Using a light meter, I noticed a direct correlation between the effected leaves and hot spots under my reflector. The 6 week timing has to do with the plants being at max height and the foliage being closest to the lights. It is easy for your nutrient solution to be out of balance around weeks 4 and 5 as the plants really start pigging out on nutes while devoting lots of energy to flowering. Remember how much water you added during this phase of flowering?! By week 6 the nute imbalance begins to show as the plant lacks the necessary elements to battle heat effectively as it had a couple weeks earlier... the hot spots on certain areas of the canopy begin to take their toll on foliage. My Headband was more inflicted sooner and more severely than my OG, which supports my theory, as the HB was under-fertilized the entire cycle.

As you know - this is not my first theory to be wrong... I keep trying. One thing is for certain, we have EXACTLY the same symptoms - right down to the dank bud produced by these plants with inflicted leaves.

Thanks Lion..and Stink ... the combination of the two IS probably whats causing the yellowing. I moved my sensor up higher in the canopy to maybe trigger the ac sooner.
I also set my oscilating fan to a higher setting..hope it brings the temps at the top level down some.

Speaking of nute imbalance? how should i approach it.
Im a little confused..ive been researching plant problems and from all accounts it looks according to some pictures it could be an over fert problem????? BUT that contradicts what you were stating in the above quote. But then again, the yellowing only started after i sealed everything off and started using co2...so it also points to a heat problem.

should i up the nute ppms? on my newest flower system ( going on week 4) while they are still plush and green?

or back off ????
Thanks Lion..and Stink ... the combination of the two IS probably whats causing the yellowing. I moved my sensor up higher in the canopy to maybe trigger the ac sooner.
I also set my oscilating fan to a higher setting..hope it brings the temps at the top level down some.

Speaking of nute imbalance? how should i approach it.
Im a little confused..ive been researching plant problems and from all accounts it looks according to some pictures it could be an over fert problem????? BUT that contradicts what you were stating in the above quote. But then again, the yellowing only started after i sealed everything off and started using co2...so it also points to a heat problem.

should i up the nute ppms? on my newest flower system ( going on week 4) while they are still plush and green?

or back off ????

I would say maintain the nute PPMs, but, perhaps, flush and change the res more often than you did last session to be sure the solution is balanced.

I think the cause is primarily a heat or temp differential issue. The change is just too drastic for a nutrient defficiency. I hope you figure it out though, as I have a couple more batches going to flower shortly! haha.
OK so i went to the flower room this morning and saw that my controller said the co2 was at 690ppm...what??? my co2 disperses from the fan that i turned up from low to medium last night. That along with the sensor that i put up higher in the canopy managed to use about 3 days worth over night!

stink how do you do your co2? I know you have the tube running above the garden...is it on just the outside perimeter below the lights? where do you put your sensor? My co2 has always been dispersed from my fan which is on 24/7.....

im gonna figure this out one way or the other.
Wow co2 sounds like a hell of a hassle!!! hahaha but still i may aswell try it with my next one! Took some clones last night for my next batch but leaving in 5 days for 2 weeks, hope my room mate is competent enough to look after them for me while i am gone :-( i am shitting myself! hahaha should never have to rely on people to take care of your baby girls but i suppose some things cant be helped!
Ok so I run into a old friend and he takes me to his garden and shows me what he is working with. I can get clones of anything I want and as many as I want. Here's his line up

Dutch Passion - Power Plant, Per Plex

G-13 Labs - White widow, Northern Lights x skunk

And his own breeds along with some true Humboldt county strains.

Along with some Sour Diesel and what he calls true blue, or blue star which is true blueberry x Sensi Star.

The problem is that they are dirty with mites. What can I do to still get these plants minus the mites?

I think that some of these would be great to have in the SB system!
Mites scare the crap out of me... I am not sure it is worth it. That is why I decided to go with seeds as soon as my room is up.

But that is me...
so when i put my first plants into grow room do i need to "harden off" plants. Im going from 4 48in floresents to 1000w hps and 400w mh. can I put them in and turn on the growzilla or do I need to get the girls used to the light gragually as you do when going from indoor to outdoor.
Ya, you should start with the light a little far away to begin with.
Then, gradually bring it closer while keeping temps in check.
ive been fighting mites for about a year and they are hell
im not sure its worth the chance imho
i use spider mite predators and spider mite destroyers......they breed 2x as fast as the mites and wipe them out in about a month or two
if ur are still going to go through it........
put them under floros in a different room (house would be better) and dip the ENTIRE clone in einstein oil every 3 days for about a month......
take clones of them.....dipping them again and use the clones.........i would never put those original plants into my grow area
until u battle spider mites u have NO idea what ur up against
last year i sprayed every kind of spray on the market and bombed and got nothing but more mites and mold
now ill be putting the predators and destroyers in there around august whether i need them or not...........being safe this year
Sounds like something I don't even want to start and deal with. I might grab some clones in a week he just started treating the mites problem. I looked today and really anything but he knows that he has them. Maybe when he get it under control I will mess around with them but Until then I guess I will just have to wait. . . .
Sounds like something I don't even want to start and deal with. I might grab some clones in a week he just started treating the mites problem. I looked today and really anything but he knows that he has them. Maybe when he get it under control I will mess around with them but Until then I guess I will just have to wait. . . .

That is the best decision.
Just say NO to Mites!
First of all, +rep, +rep, +rep

To George Bailey, the richest man in town!

But seriously, you've given so much to so many people - your patients, the readers of this thread. Your karma and goodwill generated must be exponential by now.:peace:

Now if I may ask a more mundane question.
As I was reading te thread I say that you would have preffered to use the 14 gallon containers as opposed to the 18 gallons, as you only filled the containers half way. To conserve vertical space, and nutrients as well, I was wondering if your system could work with a few modifications for the change in size, using the 10 gallon rubbermaid roughneck containers.

Ace Hardware site gives the dimensions as 23.8L x 15.6W x 8.9H - if that is correct, the length and width are the same as the 14 and 18 gallon containers. By cutting down the height by 7.6", would there be enough room for the system to function properly? If it does, perhaps the pumps will not need as much pressure as they will have a shorter vertical distance to climb. Anyone?

Again many, many thanks, your system is sublime.

P.S. As a repayment for what you have given me, I am going to find a way to seek out cancer/AIDS/whatever patients with needs that I can accommodate, and those that cannot afford to pay, will not have to - I am going to have to be somewhat stealth as my state has not yet approved medical use for MJ, but probably will in the future. (Any advice on where to find folks in need, please let me know - I was thinking of either volunteering or hanging around the chemo wards - don't laugh, it's all I got for now!) So if you're ever feeling down - just think of all the seeds you've spread, the people who are helping patients now b/c you helped and inspired them, it's too big for you to know. You did a good thing, Stinkbud.:leaf:
P.S. As a repayment for what you have given me, I am going to find a way to seek out cancer/AIDS/whatever patients with needs that I can accommodate, and those that cannot afford to pay, will not have to - I am going to have to be somewhat stealth as my state has not yet approved medical use for MJ, but probably will in the future. (Any advice on where to find folks in need, please let me know - I was thinking of either volunteering or hanging around the chemo wards - don't laugh, it's all I got for now!) So if you're ever feeling down - just think of all the seeds you've spread, the people who are helping patients now b/c you helped and inspired them, it's too big for you to know. You did a good thing, Stinkbud.:leaf:

Spoken like a true StinkBuddy.
Thanks for the Beautiful thoughts right before bed ...:sleep: