I read pro's and con's on "ozonators" so I'd like to get it from those with actual experience. For the price you're right, it's a good deal. And just because it isn't the norm, doesn't mean its not good. So:
I assume you use this product? what size room do you "clean", what do you recommend for 50-100 "stinkbuds" blooming in about 10x15x8?
After reading this Ozone Generators that are Sold as Air Cleaners | Indoor Air | US EPA I think I'll stick to Carbon.
Whoo hoo, It's almost harvest time for the SSH. Couldn't have gotten this far without this thread, thanks Stink again and again![]()
how many feds do you think monitor this thread...i mean its at almost 700 pages. everyone has an ip adress associated with your pc that can be traced. ever think why do you have to log in to view or post pics? please stink buddys think befor incriminitig yourself!
I'm on page #505! I'm catching up! BTW. Who knows if this has been covered. I was a the Home Depot the other day and found the ez-clone red sprayers in the irrigation section attached to a riser and stake for $1.09. They still unscrew from the riser tube. Home Depot also has other funky type sprayers I plan on testing. Anyway, just throwing that out there for those who might need this info for this system. My local, and only, hydro shop sells just the misters for a whopping $1.29 or so and don't wanna even try to work with me on the price. Only 150 or so pages to read still, and I'll be in the present with the rest of you, and maybe a little more sane. (Sorry, I had to try and contribute something as my typing skills and my eyeballs are going to pot(Lol, pun intended), from all the reading) 650 pages. This is sick! Lol Take care all.
Anyone have any thoughts on the Ozone Jr for cleaning the air???
Im pretty sure im not the only one out there that was getting a headache trying to get these flower units to drain properly without splahing water everywhere, well heres a Quick and Easy fix, First make 2 diagonal cuts at the end of the post about 1" deep, then Simply get a hair dryer and warm up the fence post until it is pliable (spelling?) , then get two 3" pieces of plywood , or something similar and bend. Problem fixed, enjoy.
Im pretty sure im not the only one out there that was getting a headache trying to get these flower units to drain properly without splahing water everywhere, well heres a Quick and Easy fix, First make 2 diagonal cuts at the end of the post about 1" deep, then Simply get a hair dryer and warm up the fence post until it is pliable (spelling?) , then get two 3" pieces of plywood , or something similar and bend. Problem fixed, enjoy.