Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

Also i had trouble buying neoprene inserts so if anyone else is having trouble or want a cheap option all i did was buy some expansion joint(which comes in a roll) and is used in between the concrete in footpaths and things like that. Then i just cut them to size and a cut in the middle... essentially doing the same thing but its home made.
i bought the interlocking neoprene mats for childs playroom at walmart ($16 for 6 or 8 mats) they are all black on one side and different colors on the other(blue,red,yellow,green) i use the different colors as coding for different types of plants. i already had the 2" hole saw and you can get hundreds of 2" inserts out of these
I checked my roots on my clones this evening and they are just about in the water. Once they get into the water, they will easily get into the pump after another couple days.

So... Do I cut them or is there some other way of preventing them from going into the pump?

I just assumed letting them soak was a bad idea. Is it OK to let the roots soak in the water or is my assumption accurate? Will that cause root rot or excessive moisture intake?

Lastly, I got my clones from my caregiver and well, he didn't know exactly how old they were. Can anyone tell me about were these are in the 3 week clone process? (see attachments; please note that the clones have grown foliage in the six days I have had them but it is the little fresh green stuff, the clones were mini-plants when I got them if you know what I mean, so I am hoping the clone roots will prove more informational for you in quantifying your response to this question :confused:)

PS - These pics were Wednesday night, when I checked then Thursday night they were about 2 inches longer and starting to grow the root branches off the bigger dangling roots.

Thanks ALL!!


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PS - I used two airstones in my cloner to help with temps. It appears to help a few degrees as long as the air pulling in is cooler. Anyone else have thoughts on cooling res. I saw mention of Hymogroze (sp?) but not sure how that cools water temp in res. Outside of a chiller or frozen two liters anyone else got a reasonable $ ideas?
i would let them go another week in the cloner to let them build a bit of a stronger root system.. u can put them into veg now, but i prefer a stronger root system b4 i put them in veg.


I checked my roots on my clones this evening and they are just about in the water. Once they get into the water, they will easily get into the pump after another couple days.

So... Do I cut them or is there some other way of preventing them from going into the pump?

I just assumed letting them soak was a bad idea. Is it OK to let the roots soak in the water or is my assumption accurate? Will that cause root rot or excessive moisture intake?

Lastly, I got my clones from my caregiver and well, he didn't know exactly how old they were. Can anyone tell me about were these are in the 3 week clone process? (see attachments; please note that the clones have grown foliage in the six days I have had them but it is the little fresh green stuff, the clones were mini-plants when I got them if you know what I mean, so I am hoping the clone roots will prove more informational for you in quantifying your response to this question :confused:)

PS - These pics were Wednesday night, when I checked then Thursday night they were about 2 inches longer and starting to grow the root branches off the bigger dangling roots.

Thanks ALL!!
PS - I used two airstones in my cloner to help with temps. It appears to help a few degrees as long as the air pulling in is cooler. Anyone else have thoughts on cooling res. I saw mention of Hymogroze (sp?) but not sure how that cools water temp in res. Outside of a chiller or frozen two liters anyone else got a reasonable $ ideas?

When you keep your room temp correct, theres no need to worry about your ress' temp unless its absorbing heat from the lights.

Water is generally cooler than the room temp.
Hey Dirt... what are your averages with that bubba kush and the SB system???? per.. plant. I know you had one at 6.5 oz. but what were the rest.


That was one plant in my last batch. I have a whole rack (10) of that bubba kush going on week 4 right now... Im excited to see what 10 is gonna yield. The other strains ive been running average 1-1.5 oz per plant.
question for any of you that have done this system, could I run 2x 8-site flower setups on their own 400w hps? or maybe a 400w and a 250? just looking to get a decent harvest and to keep my electric bill down a bit. any help is appreciated, thanks!
What do you guys think of this CAP NFT Recycling Timer?

It is a preset 1 minute on and 4 minute off timer for only $50. The cheapest I have found so far

Yep, that's the cheapest one around and has the bonus of being non adjustable. {meaning you can't screw it up}

They are probably thinking "dang we're selling a lot of these recycle timers lately" lol
id go with 1 600w instead of a 400 and a 250.

question for any of you that have done this system, could I run 2x 8-site flower setups on their own 400w hps? or maybe a 400w and a 250? just looking to get a decent harvest and to keep my electric bill down a bit. any help is appreciated, thanks!
thanks chef, one more question (just trying to get the big picture before i get started) could I run the clone and veg set up for this and then transplant to a hydro dwc for flower? the reason for this being that im not much of a builder and the aero/nft flower unit looks like a pain in my a$$ to get right without leaking or having problems.
question for any of you that have done this system, could I run 2x 8-site flower setups on their own 400w hps? or maybe a 400w and a 250? just looking to get a decent harvest and to keep my electric bill down a bit. any help is appreciated, thanks!

You can run two of these units under 1 400w HPS but it might not be the results you want. Try a 600w HPS on a digi Ballast and you will enjoy a 20 dollar extra a month light bill.
PS - I used two airstones in my cloner to help with temps. It appears to help a few degrees as long as the air pulling in is cooler. Anyone else have thoughts on cooling res.

The airstones are mainly to provide oxygen to the water, glad it helps with your temps.

I saw mention of Hymogroze (sp?) but not sure how that cools water temp in res. Outside of a chiller or frozen two liters anyone else got a reasonable $ ideas?
Hygrozyme is an additive. Eats dead plant material. A great product.
I keep my rezs outside of my grow tent and I don't need to worry anymore about rez temps. Stays at 68-70 degrees.
I thought higher rez temps were a good thing in a cloner?

That was my understanding as well. I always cloned before with rock wool cubes in a tray/dome with a heating pad. When I switched to the cloner, I put the heating pad under it. Bad idea?
Hello again everyone. I'm not tring to promote anything, but simply help the people that are looking for cheap options for
this awsome grow system. I'm just passing on some Stinkbuddy love(I hope this helps make me a Stinkbuddy, does it?).
Acctually, this is the cheapest timer you can buy and you can buy the case seperatly if you want or need it. The case hides
the potentiometers(adjuster knobs), but you can drill two holes into this case to use a small screwdriver to adjust your times
to what you want from seconds to 30 minutes on and off. I like adjustability to experiment with, and I consider that a good
thing. 15 to 30 bucks total, depending on how you want to set yourself up. I personally would not need a case as I would
mount this on a non-conductive surface FAR enough to not knock anything out of the time, or get shocked for that matter, not that these
"adjusters" are easily moved if brushed agaist or anything. As for pumps, you could hook the trigger side, of any 120/240
volt, 30 or 50A relay to the common and NO(normally open) jacks, with the contacts of the relay acting as a simple switch,
and then you can safely run 5 to 8 pumps off this single timer and relay setup, or these are cheap enough to even have a
single timer on each system for the added security of not lossing everything if the one timer goes out. I have experience
with one of these timers and they are acctually very simple, to me, and reliable. Now that I have the detailed parts list,
board layout, and schematic, I am going to try and hunt down the individual componants and build them myself for a matter
of just a few bucks for each cyclic timer. I'm not setup to post pics so here are some links for those who are interested. The
first link is the cheapest timer kit I can find, the second and third links are for the case. Everybody keeps wanting to know
what the cheapest timers are and these simply are. I have mentioned these a few times so I know the people who are
asking about the cheapest timers have not read or searched this thread like they REALLY should. This thread is VERY
informative so it is worth reading in FULL. I did, it took me months to read( yeah, I've been lurking in the shadows since
after this thread got started) and I definitly found it to be the best read I think I have ever encountered. Thank you so very much StinkBud. This thread has pulled me out of a slight depression and got me back into wanting to grow again, and get back into my electronics studies where I left off about ten years ago after a near fatal car accident. I got rear ended, while I was sitting still on the freeway, by a 16 year old
girl on crack, that was travelling at 70 Mph, she had dropped her pipe on the floor, and was tring to retrieve it. She was
scared to death about what would happen to her and she seemed like she felt really, REALLY bad about it and was crying
and appolagising, over and over again. I had to stumble out of my car and go check on her after it happened and my head
was ACCUALLY spinning WAY, WAY worse than the few times over years that I had smoked and drank too much, then
went and layed down(you party animals know what I'm talking about). That was a horrible feeling being hit that hard. It
caused an automatic five car pileup with me being the first one hit. The headrest in my car felt as hard as a ball bat when it
hit me in the back of my head, and so did the windshield, when I hit it with my face at 45+mph, becuase of the impact of hitting the
car in front of me, WHILE wearing my seatbelt. My chest crushed the entire right side of my steering wheel up into the dash because she hit
me just a little off to the right rear, which turned my car just a little bit counter-clockwise, so when I hit the car in front of me, my
body was acctually traveling a little to the right, and I slipped out of the seatbelt causing all the damage more towards the
right of my car and my person. I had three broken ribs, a concusion I'm sure, a black and blue chest from the impact of the
seatbelt, and no more Dodge Omni Shelby Turbo car. It was a bad ass, wicked, extremely hard pulling, great handling, all around neat little, ugly car that I still to this day miss VERY much, and have NOT been able to replace either(that thought just mad me a little sad). I remember glancing at my spedometer just a nonosecond after being hit and it launched me, and my car, past the 45 mark in an instant. I don't even think that top fuel drag cars can even launch to 45+ Mph, in 10 ft., in one-hundreth of a second or so, and I know for a fact they
accelerate quicker than the fucking space shuttle for crying out loud. Top fuel rail cars are the quickest accelerating
machine on the face of the planet(with the acception of a small rocket maybe). It was acctually an amazing feeling to accelerate
that quickly, but it hurt so bad when it was all over, that I don't want to do it again. Lol. I talking about some amazingly wicked
acceleration. I mean, 45+Mph as fast as you could say "BANG", or as fast as you can blink! Sorry this post is so long, but
I'm having a little fun typing it up it, and I just also hope all of you are a little interested while reading it. Just thought you guys might
want to know a little more about me(other than that I'm a smart ass, disabled poor boy, Lol). I plan on hanging around for
the long haul, as I feel I could be of great service to these kind of online communitys, as I consider it fun now, thanks to this
one single thread, started by just one fellow stoner, snowboarder, and hopfully my new friend named StinkBud. I hope someday we(Stinkbud and I) could hang out and shoot the shit, up on the slopes with some dank doobies in hand, and just simply have a blast and tear that shit up. Anyway, I hit the Chrysler Concord in front of me at 45+Mph, then it slammed into a ford F-150, and that truck hit something else. It was all over in less than a second or two and we were all scattered all over the damn four lane highway, blocking any passage for
anyone. It all looked REAL bad when I got out of my car. I honestly feared that people would acctually be dead! I'm
honestly not overexagerating either, I promise you! It WAS seriously bad. I remember acctually thinking, in the first
picosecond of the accident, "Oh shit. I've acctually been hit from behind REALLY fucking hard", so I put my foot went all the way to
the floor on the brake pedal, but they didn't respond(cause the rear brake lines had been torn apart), and I have to also
mention that I was NOT even on the fucking ground anymore! BTW it was a Ford Probe of all cars. People usually have a have a nice chuckle, at my expense, when I tell them I was probed in the ass by a 16 year old crackhead. Lol. In the second picosecond I thought, "I don't want to hit the car in front of me", and I thought, "That person in the car behind me must be FUCKED UP REALLY, really
BAD(but she wasn't cause she had an airbag where I did not, but I sure was wishing that I would have had one now). As
weird as it sounds, she was NOT even wearing her seatbelt and had no injuries compared to all my injuries while acctually wearing a restraint. All of the thoughts that I just mentioned happened before I even hit the car in front of me! When it was over I realized that the only thing I ever heard was the "BANG", so I guess that the one loud sound that I heard must have over-powered any other sounds like all
the breaking glass and other shit that was going on. Sorry again that this post got so long. Everytime I think about that
accident, or start typing these long ass posts like this one about it, I think that I'm tring to reach out for help from someone,
like a doctor or something, because I have not recovered much from it other than that I can kinda get up and walk
now, sometimes. I could not move for about three months, was bed-ridden for that time, which sucked the life completely out of me and
my bulked up muscles(that I had at the time from all my hard labor that I acctually liked doing, because it's healthy for a
person), well, they completely atrafied on me. I went from a damn sexy(not bragging, everyone else said I was, lol)235 Lbs.
of gentleman with a 31 inch waist, to a srawny 150 lbs. or so, with an even smaller waist. Over the last 10 years since this
accident happened, I have had to battle problems like my neck locking up and crackling(whch it still does) and my lower
back hurting like hell everyday still, to the point that I can NOT straighten up all the way, or bend over at all with out shocking
type pains. About a little more than a year ago, I had gotton up to about 240 lbs. of pure, straight up fat and a 40 inch waist, but now I'm back to a manageable 200lbs. I even hit my head on a lot of shit, multiple times a day, because my head sticks out further than my damn feet,
so when I turn around sometimes, even when I know that there is something there, I figure since my feet are nowhere near
the object(like a door way) my head also will NOT be, but I turn around and hit my head on the damn object anyway. I REALLY DO need
medical help and have needed it for all these years but I have never had medical insurance or much money at all since
this all happened(hence, the cheap bastard like me pun, that I used a little ways back in a post. I do everything cheap
cause I have no choice). I am fighting to work, as a mechanic, a painful 2-3 hours a day, at $13/hour, when I CAN. I should
be at work right now, but just tring to bend over and tie my shoes is a freaking task in itself, and makes me scream outloud
and tear up quite often. My boss even offered me a raise to $18/hour, IF, i could get there on time at 9:00 or 10:00 o'clock
like I should be. I want that ability back so bad. I swear that I am tring the best that I can, but everyday is a mind altering,
unimaginablely painful, concentration ruining experience that I want to end so badly. If anyone could help me in any way,
medicaly, then I'm sure I would tear up so joyfully. My mother has a hydrocodone prescription so she lets me have 2 pills a
day to help me get to work. It's so emotionally painful to watch her take a half of a 10mg pill, and other scripts that she has, just to
go to a pain managment center and pass the drug screening, so that they know she is really the one taking the scripts. She
DOES really need it occasionally when she gets to hurting real bad, but thats pretty rare. My brother takes one hydro a day
for his scolliosis which he has 2 ft. rods for, screwed to his spine to try and straighten him up. They cancelled his disability
recently because they found out this last time he went for a screening, that he tokes up, so him and I are more or less splitting my mothers prescription for the hydros. The script is enough for three pills a day total but thats just not enough for all of us to live less painful, normal lives. My brother and I both smoke and we both aggree that even the best herb does NOT help our type of pain very much. My ex and I even quit smoking right after the accident for about 6-7 years. I just started smoking herb again a little over a year ago. My brother and I just started smoking herb together very recently and we kinda bond a little more, like we used to years ago, because of the herb(although
it was a little akward for him and he even said that to me himself, Lol). I knew that we would start smoking together
eventually just simply because you can't grow up in my family with out sparking up a little. Lol. I need to say that my brother
and I are about 9 years apart with me being the oldest. I was smoking the dank stuff before he even started kindergarden.
Ok now, I think the prescription Addiroll(however that's spelled) that my mother suggested I try is got my mind running wild. It's an ADHD
medication, that my brother and his friends have started taking just recently because it supposidly helps give them energy
to work and get a lot of work done. This morning is the first time I have ever tried it, I think, but I'm not sure, that it may have
sped up my brain a little but I sure as hell do NOT feel anymore like working myself. I'm sitting here with my back hurting
like hells fire right now. I'm fixing to go to work anyway though, as I have no other choice or way about it to make a little
money for all my WAY overdue bills. Sorry to rave on so much everybody. I'll let you all go till next time. Here are the links
that I mentioned earlier about that timer and a case for it. Everyone out there please be safe as you can with everything you do. This cheap, fucked up bastard has got to go for a while. Someone ,PLEASE, tell me what you think about these timers and how usefull they would be in the SB system(which is going to be my next style of growing as I like tring it all). Peace out!


