Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

check out this co2 monitor for $130. staying with SB and being cheap this can save lots of money(no need for the high dollar systems but able to keep a closer eye on levels)

Those are cool, but the reason to spend money on the higher end meters is to allow control of your CO2 device through the monitor. It monitors the CO2 and turns on your generator or tank to keep it within a specified range.

You may be able to work out a vent / refill schedule by using lamp timers and that meter though.

I am using the "Dipstick". It has two parallel scales - one in PPM - CF and one in PPM - EC. The CF runs from 280 to 3080 and the EC runs from 200 to 2200. Which one should I be using?
Those are cool, but the reason to spend money on the higher end meters is to allow control of your CO2 device through the monitor. It monitors the CO2 and turns on your generator or tank to keep it within a specified range.

You may be able to work out a vent / refill schedule by using lamp timers and that meter though.
that is exactly the reason i liked it. if you want to run co2 you can do it cheaply. by using this you can adjust your timer and save $400-500. my co2 system(regulator/timer set, filled 50# tank,and this monitor) cost $302. with a couple of small timer changes it now stays close to 1500ppm all through lights on. why the need to vent? i use a sealed room.
Thanks for the link on the new LED systems, they've got me really interested. I'm still setting up my flower room and it's only 3x5 with the ceiling tapering from 5 - 6 ft, so I'm thinking about two of those 800's. I found a thread on another site for a guy doing a closet soil grow with the 400. He's only getting a little more than a half ounce per plant, vegging for like seven weeks, so not very impressive. However, he also does not have a stink aero/nft set-up or co2. I already have two 600HPS, but I would love to see more on these next generation LED's. If anyone can chime in with more experience, Repvip, or anybody please do. Yow, if you end up going this route please post pics, journal, etc. Thanks.
As soon as I get mine going I'll post some photos. Another member of this board on the west coast is going to swing by their shop in SF. Best to all.

one thing i wonder is if the leds will provide enough light to utilize the co2?..........
i still plan on a co2 and led grow some time in the future........just not till i tweak things a bit
My humble thougts on the yellow leaves:

Yes - yellow leaves such as yours seems to be the norm... Dirt and I have seen it around week 6. I believe Stink has seen it too. I think it is a combination of salt build up and heat - but I don't know? Next round, at the start of week 6, I am going to change my res a little more often, lower my PH to 5.5, increase my off cycle time, and run my lights higher above the canopy. Good news is the yields and the bud seem to be unaffected by the yellow.

In soil, yellowing leaves can often be a sign of overwatering. By week 6, the roots are quite big and long in the Stink system. The root mat holds much more water than the more singular root sites found earlier at weeks 1 - 3. By week 6 - my posts drip much water through the entire off cycle - as water is more readily held in the growing root mat. At week 2 - the water drains completely after a couple minutes. Also, humidity in most flower rooms is at an all time high by week 6 - lowering transpiration and required water. Maybe we are 'drowning' roots that were previously used to hanging in oxygen? Perhaps - try increasing the off cycle to 6 minutes if you have a capable timer (or 5 minutes, 30 seconds, if you have a DRT-1 or similar digital timer).

Your plants look great! The red hairs will come. What strain are you running - some strains will finish with fewer red hairs than others?

Cheers Lions bro yeh i think you might be onto something with the changing of the res more often, i been using a reasonably smal res and it makes me need to "top up" the res with fresh water to bring the TDS back to the desired level which in turn MUST be affecting it i thought because maybe the plant is using more of one nute type than the other? ? I might start changing the res more often! Does the plant use more or less nutrients at this stage of growth? ( i am at 7 weeks )

Thanks yeah they look great! Plenty of buds. The strain is Nirvana Big Bud.
They looked good overall. Hows the humidity in the room. Mine do it some times when the humidity is up for a few days strait.
why the need to vent? i use a sealed room.

If you can accurately maintain your 1500 during lights on you don't need to vent. Unless you know the dispersion rate of the CO2 it can difficult to hit that 1500 using an unknown starting PPM.

Venting brings you down to the natural atmospheric 375 ppm. You can then fill the room to 1500 with a known time to pump the needed volume of CO2.

But if you can do that without venting, you have it dialed!
Hello Stinkbuddies, Just subscribed, I have been reading from page one of this thread starting June 6th of this year. I am at page 626 today. Almost done :-? I was going to wait until I finished before posting, oh well.

Thank you mister StinkBud!!! You are very generous and compassionate, not to mention you know your shit. “Love is the shit that makes life bloom.” Thanks for all you do and being who you are. Nice slogans also. I am trying to emulate the StinkBuddie state of mind by “spreadin’ the Love”! As best as I can.
I like my cousin a lot also, would I date her? Should I date her? Just wondering, she is Hot!!!:twisted:

Thank you, thank you, thank you, all you Stinkbuddies, you know who you are. I feel like I kind of know you all. I grew indoors under fluorescents 25 years ago. I stopped because of circumstances. I am recently acquiring my MMJ status, pain relief. I ran into StinkBud in the 1st HT I had bought in 20 years. The next day I tripped over this stinky thread. There are no coincidents.

Have my areo-clone up and running with one discarded and wilted mystery cutting from my four clones I hooked up with two days ago, BubbleGum, SSH x Heri, he forgot, and he forgot what this one was too, stoners! It looks like the small, wilted, broken off limb will clone, amazing! I will clone the others when they have grown enough in soil to take cuttings from. No longer than two weeks, I hope.

I have my aero-veg filled with sixteen seedlings, ten days old. Three flower units under construction. I will need to build another veg-unit so that the seedlings can be sexed before adding them to a flower unit.

All of my questions that I could think of and some that I couldn’t have ever thought up have been answered in this thread, most of them have been asked and answered more than once. Except for one.

I have my clone and veg set-up in a temporary location while I am finishing my grow room. My room is in a basement that is populated with spiders and probably lots of food for those spiders, as in other bugs. I was thinking of using some sort of pest control before I seal off my room and finish it. Anyone have any recommendations for a good organic/natural pesticide too use in my basement, if one exists? Bug-bombs don’t seem effective and might be dangerous from my limited research. Any suggestions/experiences are appreciated.

I really appreciate the expertise, vibe and willingness to help that you all have displayed while posting to this humongous thread. The Earth is a good place to live with you all, thank you all so very much, from the deepest most loving recesses of my heart.:grin:

Wizmo :peace:

PS, I will post pictures when they are worthy. :weed:
PPS, sorry for the long post.
They looked good overall. Hows the humidity in the room. Mine do it some times when the humidity is up for a few days strait.

The humidity and heat stress isnt a problem, i have better than average ventilatiopn in the room and its all from a clean fresh air source.
stinkbud is not worried is what I get from his response ,so what I dont understand is why you would be?
whats so awesome about learning this mans systems is learning how to tweak it to fit your personal endeavors
ak is a lovely strain great yielder nice lemony skunk or ever cherry flavor is your so fortunate
unless you have a strain you think is way better id suggest it ak-48 from serious seeds is an awesome sativa hybrid

I would like to thank you for sharing the love. You have done something really amazing with this system. I have some plants in the ground grapefruit diesel . I have built the cloner and the veg unit. Going to take cuttings from the outside plants. Money kind of tight so looking for some cheap lights on craigslist. Have all the pieces for the flower unit waiting to get my electric redone too 220 to run the lights cheaper. Found a 400gph submersible pump for twenty bucks picked up five. I will promise you that I will pass the love on. Dirt thanks for your encouraging posts. One more Stink thanks for making me sound knowledgeable when i went to buy my supplies. I will post pics and start a journal. This is also a medical grow.

A million
I need some quick in-put. I am using THE WHOLE STINK-BUD SYSTEM in one room! Can use the same grow light, say a 600 or 1000 over the cloner and veg? Or do i have to get a flour. light under those bitches?

Any tips would greatly be appreciated!
u need to veg at 18/6 and most clone at that or 24/7
we flower at 12/12 so i would seperate them
the clone and early veg only need t12 lights
i like t5s for medium to large vegging.........keeps stretching down quite a bit
then 400/600/1000 hps depending on your setup.......always hps