Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

Is there any reasons behind that? Answers like that does not really show nor prove anything. Give me some factual information that i cant :shock:

Photo periods are not the same. The fact is that plants in veg require 18 hours or more of light - to keep them from flowering. Flowering plants require 12 hours or less of light. Flowering plants placed in 18/6 light will revert to veg.

I have my flowering and veg plants in the same physical room of my house - but the veg and clones are in a tent. I need to hang Panda film over the tent to keep light from leaking through the zipper when the flower lights are off.
hey stinkbuds
when its flower time do you start counting the weeks when you first put the lights on 12/12
or when they start to show there sex
thanks for any help

Ha - this is a great question! I count from when I turn the lights out. Others count when they see the first hairs - and still others start the count when all have hairs. From seed - it seems to take longer to actually start flowering than from clones. So if it takes 3 weeks to show sex, chances are, the bud will not be done in another 5. My OG indoors shows sex within a week - I like to go 9 - and I start the count when I place them in 12/12. Am I really going 8? Ha ha! Subcool says to start the count when you see the first signs of flowering - that seems to make the best sense and will likely give the most consistent results among different growers and environments.
Thanks, but that doesn't really answer my question. Instructions say to set nutrients at 2000 PPM, but which scale. I am either going to be too high or too low if I am using the wrong scale.

Sorry Buddy - I misunderstood your question - and I am still not clear what you are asking - my bad, sorry! Lots of help I am, huh!
Any thoughts on my PPM question - should I be using the CF or EC scale? I have plants in the veg unit for about 5 days and I started noticing patches of bronze/copper coloring on the fan leaves. Would this be from running the wrong PPM number?

OK - I just reread your post more closely... to clarify - CF and EC are just different terms for the same thing - really just where the decimal point goes. An EC reading of 2.4 ms is the same as 24 CF. 1.0 ms = 700 ppm - so 24 CF = 2.4 EC = 1680 PPM. 2000 ppm is about 2.6 EC or 26 CF. Sorry for the confusion!
Awesome! You got it under control! My advice is for people who don't know anything about thier house, property or sewer lines. Funny thing is, is that my shit backed up in this rental house that I live in, about once a week, for like three or four weeks, but never did it again for the 6 years I have been here. I checked all the lines and there was no blockage. Must have been a city sewer problem I figure.
thanks for the advice. i live in florida to many huricanes to have a house built on the ground. if my house was on the ground id be in trouble
Stinkbud this is really cool, I read this in High Times, really great system. I actually made everything from the cloner to the veg-flower unit, it's really great. But I had a little trouble getting the EZ clone sprayers in the 1/2in PVC pipe, can u give me any tips if I decide to make another some day. Because guys this sysetem is really amazing. The lazy need not apply.
OK - I just reread your post more closely... to clarify - CF and EC are just different terms for the same thing - really just where the decimal point goes. An EC reading of 2.4 ms is the same as 24 CF. 1.0 ms = 700 ppm - so 24 CF = 2.4 EC = 1680 PPM. 2000 ppm is about 2.6 EC or 26 CF. Sorry for the confusion!

Thank-you so much. That was the side of the scale I was using. Glad I erred on that side and not the other otherwise they would be closer to 3000 PPM. Here is my gauge if this makes more sense; I should have posted it to start with (although it actually shows 2000 PPM to be between 28 and 32 CF).


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hey sdkid
i use the same room but i use 8 mill black plastic doubled up and two zippers with lots of black duct tape to make a small room for clone/veggie you have to make sure that there are no light leaks
Nah has he done a runner on us?? grace us with all this wisdom then bail!?? I'm finishing mine tonight... really hoping for a pound out of this one!! I'll let you all know how i go in a couple of days when its dry :-)