Hey everyone! I just wanted to take the time to say Happy Holidays!!!
We are getting close to 100,000 views in just a few months! I never expected this kind of interest when I started. Needless to say I am blown away by how many nice people I've met here.
This thread is turning out to be one of the best threads ever because of you, the readers. Everyone here has a positive and helpful attitude. I honesty feel like we are all working together as a family (I get to be the daddy).
It's amazing how many nice people there are helping each other. Not for money or fame but just because helping others is the right thing to do. I know this may sound weird but I actually receive more enjoyment seeing the success of your systems over my own. Giving is much better than receiving. Let's see those pics!
So to everyone here, thank you very much for reading this thread and don't forget to spread the joy!!!!