hello, like many others im inspired to grow now after seeing your setup. i have some questions that i cant find or am confused about.
info on the room n gear: at first im going to have 2x 600w hps with 2 systems in a smaller area.. maybe like 6x6x10 room sealed.. then i will upgrade later to a 10x10x10 with 3-4 systems (sealed), but i want to buy my things according to the 10x10x10 so i dont have to buy it again unless needed.
1- im growing in a 10x10x10 room (sealed) and im going to have 3-4 systems in it. how many cfm does my fan {set up: scrubber >> fan >> outside} needs to be to get rid of the smell most efficiently? i hear like 450min and 800 with a speed control, but 450 will be more than enough.... what do you recommend?
2- would it be best if i connect all 4x 600w hps lights to one exhaust fan or have 2 fans and hook up only 2 at a time and exhaust the heat? {Set up for one: fan >> 600w >> 600w >> outside} or {set up for all 4: Fan >> 600w >> 600w >> 600w >> 600w >> outside} whats the best way to do it? what do you think i should do?
3- according to the cfm u tell me, how big should my carbon scrubber be for the fan? and how much cfm do i need for my lights exhaust?
4- how tall to you start you plants flowering? 12inches? and how tall will they get when done flowering? i know it depends on stain, ill be growing pineapple express. lol it says it stay short to medium. and flowers in 2 months
5- is it better for me to have a passive air intake or forced air by fan from the outside in?
and according to the cfm for my scrubber exhaust, what cfm should i have for my intake if forced air is favored?
6- thats it for now XD but if theirs anything i should know, like any mistakes usually novices make. please do tell
thanks a lot and sorry for asking so many questions.