Harvest and Light


Active Member
Let's get down to business. I will be harvesting soon and i want to do it right, not to fuck up my stuff.
I've read the harvesting sticky and i've also read some other articles on drying.
The sticky says dry in a dark place, other materials state "dry in a place where there's no UV light".
I'm a little confused, if i dry in a place where there's some light will i lose potency ? I intend to do it in my room , in a "semi-box" (something box shaped but opened on a side, some light gets in, but also the air is moving so no risk of mould)

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I disagree. Some light makes no difference. You just want to avoid direct light, and especially intense light like from grow lights or sunlight.

More important than drying really, is the curing process. Most growers don't have the patience to do it right.