Harvest! Are they ready?

Damm I done abit of reading between them 2 a lot of people saying a sativa plant is better than indicas.. Indicas are smaller and leave a couch high but finish quicker sometimes indica can yield more which is a good point.. They saying sativa is nicer smoke and better affect it's a bigger plant but takes longer to finish..

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
They are ready for harvest - being they are auto's - you can never achieve a 100% cloudy,amber, ect remember when plant is at "cloudy "stage of tcc's the plant is at it's highest THC levels - if 80% milky/cloudy harvest - no matter what stage you will all ways have some clear tic's
They are ready for harvest - being they are auto's - you can never achieve a 100% cloudy,amber, ect remember when plant is at "cloudy "stage of tcc's the plant is at it's highest THC levels - if 80% milky/cloudy harvest - no matter what stage you will all ways have some clear tic's
Even if it's not at it's full potential ? In weight

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
They are ready for harvest - being they are auto's - you can never achieve a 100% cloudy,amber, ect remember when plant is at "cloudy "stage of tcc's the plant is at it's highest THC levels - if 80% milky/cloudy harvest - no matter what stage you will all ways have some clear tic's
How can they be ready? The pistols are still white and swollen? Why can an auto not get to full cloudy? My northern lights auto was pretty much all cloudy with the odd Amber. I'll try and find a pic.


Well-Known Member
Based on what can be seen in the pics here, NO they certainly are not ready to harvest. If you chop it too early both your yield and your potency will suffer.
Good couple weeks out yet.