Harvest, dried and cured Fem plant but.....


Active Member
I found a dozen seeds on one branch, while separating the nugs into smaller ones. The rest of the buds seem fine. I can't imagine why. This FEM GSC has four nice size colas, of which I cut three and left the final one for more time in the 12/12 cycle, outdoors, and only one part of one branch has these seeds, (which I am going to put in water and see if they pop).

Has there been any other incidence of just a few seeds showing up but otherwise fully Fem? Cause?

True hermaphrodite or not??

(one possibility is I removed a Male 100% Sativa from the ground next to it, that had not yet opened its pods for spreading pollen. I suppose a teeny bit of pollen could have escaped beforehand, but i had a very hard time even getting a quarter teaspoon of pollen from the plant when I tried to keep some for later fertilization and finally gave up when I couldn't get any, after I pulled it.)

Thx for any insight in advance.
My guess would be the later. Normally you won't have any seeds with a femmed. Pop a few if you get a male it was definitely the sativa.
My guess would be the later. Normally you won't have any seeds with a femmed. Pop a few if you get a male it was definitely the sativa.

Thx, malicifice,

:Just took another closer look in the bright sunshine, and got aggressive with separating the tightly knit nugs, and it looks like overnight a few more seeds are sprouting on the GSC, and ! sunofabeach!,------- the remaining 'Fem' Sativa (up until a few hours ago) has gone totally hermie with seed pods now appearing on 70% of every nug, and branch. Trichomes were forming nicely on this plant which I figured being a Sativa would be harvested in November.

Do you know if I should now pull the two plants totally and harvest whatever I can to stop any further degradation of the clayxes into seeds, or let them go for a few more weeks to finish? I was thinking that in order to preserve the trichomes and quality on both plants, I should simply end the season now and take what I can get.

These two plants are the only ones in the garden. I will definitely see what comes with the new seeds, and if they are male, I'll know it was the Sativa I removed weeks ago when I saw that it was fully a male.

All was going very well until yesterday and today with both plants showing strong nugs, great smell, the GSC being much more odorous and at least a month further along in flower than the Sativa beside it. Both were all sensi then wham! here come the seeds--- first on the GSC, and now the Sativa.

I took some top nugs early from the GSC, ten days ago while the trichomes were still crystal clear, dried the nugs and tried them in a bong. Not a great high but adequate for my wife who said that last year it made her laugh a lot. So it won't go totally to waste. Just want to get as much quality as I can, quantity never being my objective in any grow.

Short story: Will pulling them now, preserve whatever strength they have? Or will the strength be just the same weeks from now when the crystal clear trichomes have turned milky (which I read here is the best time to harvest).
Let them keep going for sure. The energy spent towards the seeds vs thc production is minimal at best. Let those seeds mature on the plant and save them. Now you will have a sativa gsc cross with those, plus you won't need to order more seeds! I only see seeds being bad if your trying to sell your stuff. Seeds are a good thing in my book. I've got hundreds now and don't need to keep clones or worry about losing anything.
I agree about the seeds and was hoping that would be your reply. However, I am also one of the "Searching for Trip Weed" disciples in that I once had a strain long b4 I knew much about Cannabis that took off the top of my head in a good way,

As such, I don't want to collect seeds that are not super primo, first rate, and top of the tree great, and I want them to be only SATIVA.

My growing experience now is just to get a good bunch of fundamental techniques down, while experimenting with a variety of seeds that I don't much care about if they are hybrids or indicas.

Street grass, and that available from places like Colorado, where everyone is trying to make as much money as possible, (and apparently having no problem doing so) by selling the lowest quality weed for exorbitant prices, has driven up the cost of street weed here. I don't like the high from street weed and have resisted buying it for years. My main focus now is Primo Trip Weed only. There is a sticky on this blog that goes into it more than I can.

I pulled a male Jack Herer from my grow room yesterday that I want to keep for Crossing purposes, and will collect the pollen as soon as it matures in the next month or so. It is on a 12/12/ cycle now and doing great (and isolated) .

The GSC is, to my mind, just an average weed. Smells great, but smokes only so-so compared to what I am seeking. So I am not very interested in keeping the seeds from it for anything other practice growing and upping my percentage of successful cloning results.

Thx for the replies to you both.
I wonder if a neighbor or someone else nearby had a male plant that pollinated yours.

My wife said the same thing but there's no chance next door, on either side. The next closest house is 500 yards away with bow coo trees in between.

I think it's hermied, very late in the cycle, two weeks from harvest for the GSC, and 6 weeks for the Sativa.

All gone to seed and 5 months of anticipation, for nothing. If I had harvested them a week ago, I'd never have seen seeds.

My indoors are at least two months from flower. And the Sativas aren't going to be ready b 4 March.

Side note: I've tried to sprout over a hundred seeds from the plants, and not one of them will do so. That seems really strange.
Side note: I've tried to sprout over a hundred seeds from the plants, and not one of them will do so. That seems really strange.
because the seeds need to dry out

looks like you are lookin for da grandpa weed 8)