Harvest Every 2 Weeks Sog Style (pics!!) Master Kush!


Well-Known Member
They look over watered. The leaves will drop and growth will slow down when they are over watered. I use 3" rock wool cubes in hydrotons and i start out flooding once a day for 15 minutes up to the middle of the cube the first week and then move it up to twice a day after that for flowering. Remember that rock wool holds a lot of water and your pots are full of rock wool with out any hydrotons. I bet your pots are holding a lot of water. I also set my HPS 2' above the clones the first week so the can adjust to the HPS. I would back off on the watering to once a day or even once every other day and keep a close eye on them and see how the react.
Check out this page it may help http://members.tripod.com/budsus_1/id31.htm
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Active Member
I think your right, They had roots showing but not busting out. What should i now?
Just let them do what they need to do?

I really appriciate you helping me lollipopka =)
Yeah no bueno...I have read that you should not move them into your veg area until the roots are just busting outta there like crazy time.

I think...in my novice opinion...it might be a good idea to turn off the ebb/flow table and hand water them until the roots get going a bit. This way you can keep a real close eye on the moisture level in your medium. It would probably be good if you could find a way to put a clear plastic covering over each one too, to increase humidity while you try to get those roots going. But like I said...im a real genuine newbie so I could be 100% wrong. Hope you find a solution! I hate seeing planties in peril :roll:

But then again...if it has only been a few days since you got them and the roots really do need some help...you might be safe to pull the clones out all the way and put them under a humidity dome. So yeah, how long have they been in, do you see ANY new growth since moving them into your table?

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Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
God, its a worry looking after these wee boogers. I hope i dont come back and find that you have uprooted them:spew:One thing id add, if the roots arent bustin out all over, you wanna get them burrowing for the water. I think a combination of things already suggested;
hand watering, doming and let them go at it.

Im sure they'll pull through, tops look decent despite the problem with the larger, lower leaves. Have you thought about hacking them leaves off?

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
great journal- I have yet to use clones- its one of my upcoming projects- and i am learning a lot from your trials- and expect to be learning even more from your tribulations! cant wait to see the work, I am sure they will pull through.


Well-Known Member
I think i see plant growth but then i dont, I look at my plants every 15 min so its really hard to tell haha. But i decided to number them and take picture so later on i can compare them side by side.

Some of them look like there doing ok or are bouncing back, But some dont especially number 3 =(

Thanks everyone for the advise, Ill take more pictures in a few days so they can be compared.


Well-Known Member
I changed to watering once a day, but some of the leaves are still droopy im going to try once every 2 days and see how they do.

Thanks sticky icky

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
i do soil- and i water once ever 2 days- except when i notice they need it- here and there... but i have always been told better underwatering than overwatering, cuz if you under water you can see it and add some, if you over water- its harder to see and you cant dry it out nearly as easily- but thats with soil- but good grow so far, i've got my eye on it!


Well-Known Member
I have no, the roots are burried under the cubes and dont want to mess it up by moving them around.

Does anyone know how often or if im suposed to at all change the mini rw cubes?


Well-Known Member
I have no, the roots are burried under the cubes and dont want to mess it up by moving them around.

Does anyone know how often or if im suposed to at all change the mini rw cubes?
wow, in a medium like that Id think the plants would be expected to finish in that. I dont see why it would get root bound or anything.

sorry I could give U any real advice on that, but Id play it by ear, just watch it and see what happens.

oh and I hope U flushed those rockwool cubes really really well before U planted the plants in them. Most ppl soak em in pH'd water plus a cpl drops of superthrive.
I didnt do that my last hydro attempt and half of my first flock of seedlings suffered from it and died.
but ur clones look much healthier so I dunno if you'd have anything to worry about.

where did U get ur hut from?


Well-Known Member
Being a super nooob i acutally did not soak them in ph water before planting my clones =(.. But hopefully theyll be ok there starting to perk up a bit.

My tent is a darkroom dr 80 ( for clones/ mother plants)..and a darkroom dr250 (flowering) I had to request my local hydro shop special order them.


Well-Known Member
Well, I switched to flooding every 2 days and most of my girls are looking better.

Here are some before and after pics

Only problem is on #1 i had to cut off 2 leaves because of some sort of burn. Anybody know what it is? Heres a pic

ALso #4 has 1 leaf that has that same stuff on it.



Well-Known Member
wow, in a medium like that Id think the plants would be expected to finish in that. I dont see why it would get root bound or anything.

sorry I could give U any real advice on that, but Id play it by ear, just watch it and see what happens.

oh and I hope U flushed those rockwool cubes really really well before U planted the plants in them. Most ppl soak em in pH'd water plus a cpl drops of superthrive.
I didnt do that my last hydro attempt and half of my first flock of seedlings suffered from it and died.
but ur clones look much healthier so I dunno if you'd have anything to worry about.

where did U get ur hut from?

bg hydro and gold coast hydro have them


Well-Known Member
Oh ya one more thing,

My mother plants res is 20 gallon, and later in flowering i have 4 res each that are 30 gallon. So thats alot of water.
Im going to just connect a hose to the regular water outside, I know theres chlorine and other bad things in regular tap water, But with 140gallons of water i need theres not much i can do.

Do you guys think itll be ok using that regular water? Does anyone here just use regular tap water and have any problems?

Also could this be the reason why that the leaf looks burned like that?


Well-Known Member
wow @ 400 ppms

yea you can use it, but i would only go max throughout the whole process @ 50 % nute load.

if you can, should invest in an RO system!