I will see how proping the buckets on those bars works out it might work. I just have a really small area to work in when it would come time to change out water. My wife would skin my ass if I make a mess in our bedroom lol no not lol she really would. My sister in law lives in Sault Sainte Marie,MI several years ago my sister in law and her husband along with me and my wife took travel trailers from Sault Sainte Marie,MI to Thunder Bay,ON. That was one hell of a road trip 2 days to get there we drove about 10 hrs. slept in the campers then drove another 10 hrs. I forgot Canada was on the metric system so the first time I got gas the sign said something like .96 so I was really happy to get gas so cheap then when I started pumping I realized it was .96 a liter lol. Another funny thing that happened we were at a shopping mall and I saw a sign out in front of a store that said something was on sale can't remember what it was for a tooney and I said out loud what is a tooney and some guy walking by tells me a tooney is 2 dollars. So their 1 dollar is a loony and their 2 dollars is a tooney. Gotta love the Canadians sense of humor. Thunder Bay is not to far from you. I really liked that area I would imagine the winters aren't to fun though. If you get up that way Sleeping Giant park is recommended. Awesome trails great camping and fishing I would go back it's just so far from here even more so when you have to go to the U.P. of MI 1st. On that still vid you just posted is that for a new way to make corn mash liquor? If so 2 or 3 shots would be enough. The last time I drank corn squeezings I woke up in jail. Lesson learned no more corn squeezings
Ya like i say my Buckets are just like an inch to wide overall so one row Gets slid Down One way And Sits on the frames bar on one side ....and the other row Goes the other side and sits on that bar on the other side .... so my tote in the top right corner is propped up.... and the bucket in the front left had corner gets propped up too ....all the others will sit flat for me in between them ..... you can see this in effect in the "happy it fit" video I did here in this thread
I have been right around the sleeping giant area before Never thru it tho ..And actually thunder bay is-int that far away from me A short Car Ride.... I live close enough to Canada that i get tips In Loony's Instead Of USD sometimes I Have a worthless Canadian 5$ Here right now no where to spend it lol ......It's 15 Degrees outside right now and that's feeling warm to me at the moment compared to -30 -40Degrees Snow Gets really deep round here..... the UP is closer to me than Thunder bay is I had always wanted to set up a business where i set up MMJ users over there with Grow Rooms Legitimately.....
Like I work with the Grower Who tells me what they want to accomplish how much money they have to work with And I can Make the rubber meet the road for them ...
"This is what you want to do... this is how much money you have to work with..... here is where reality meets you Dreams "
Ahh man corn Juice will Mess you up that's for sure I've cooked an egg in the stuff before lol it's cooks it and your innards ......I think That guy with the still Was doing a stripping run with it (vinegar)..... It can make just about any booze you desire..... you can open it up all the way like a pot still ...Or Reflux it Like a reflux column.... to get Vodkas Gins Brandy whiskey Or Shine... It all depends on what you want to put in it and how you want to use it..... A Very Versatile little still
Thanks for all the comments I really enjoy just shooting the shit It's very much enjoyable for me