Harvest in the dark or light?

how long did you wait from start of flowering, until you saw trichomes?...then how long did it take for those trichomes to turn milky?
trics wont be magically produced over 2 nights of darkness.
Something that's taken 6+ weeks to grow and reach maturity will "magically" produce "more" in 24 hours, LMAO
if that were the case, we would be running lights 24 on 24 off and harvesting giant buds with trichomes dripping like motor oil in 3 weeks.
"They say" it so it must be true, but once again, bro science has grabbed the attention of a youngling.
"They say" flushing removes the alien toxins from the buds that acquire from the moonlight, "they say" if I do a dance and shake my hands above my head, the sky will fall.
"They say" it's a 5-6 week plant, so I'm going to chop my plant at 6 weeks because "they say" that's when it will be ready.
I guess I've been doing it all wrong for all these years. Oh I forgot, I'll let all the years of growing and experience get thrown to the wayside because of some "Triple-D" method I saw on YouTube. LOL
Something that's taken 6+ weeks to grow and reach maturity will "magically" produce "more" in 24 hours, LMAO
if that were the case, we would be running lights 24 on 24 off and harvesting giant buds with trichomes dripping like motor oil in 3 weeks.
"They say" it so it must be true, but once again, bro science has grabbed the attention of a youngling.
"They say" flushing removes the alien toxins from the buds that acquire from the moonlight, "they say" if I do a dance and shake my hands above my head, the sky will fall.
"They say" it's a 5-6 week plant, so I'm going to chop my plant at 6 weeks because "they say" that's when it will be ready.
I guess I've been doing it all wrong for all these years. Oh I forgot, I'll let all the years of growing and experience get thrown to the wayside because of some "Triple-D" method I saw on YouTube. LOL
Your not reading what I said right, I said even if it doesn’t produce more that fast it causes all the other ones to mature faster that may not be done yet and it even causes for juicier buds which can in turn produce some more trichs But a main thing was also the chlorophyll, it stops the creation of chlorophyll and even starts to break it down which is very good for getting the terpenes you want, also do you hear yourself? Bro science captured another youngling like bro do you forget where all of the cannabis information you got came from, it came from people experimenting and testing and figuring out what works when they were growing cannabis way back before any of us were born, you truly forgot that huh? And there’s still new stuff being figured out about the plant today and things to do with it, so what makes you say bro science isn’t legit it’s all trial and tribulations and if it wasn’t for “bro science” or just anyone growing cannabis we wouldn’t have the information we do now, I bet you think the only people who are trust worthy of growing info are big corporate cannabis companies, well before them it was people growing illegally and testing stuff out to see what works, and what are you talking about alien toxins? Like now ur just throwing in random stuff to try and make what I said sound dumb for cannabis consumers you two are both very closed minded and very lost from the roots of cannabis growing, a bunch of stuck up pretend to know it all’s, btw I worked in the industry as well so I’m not just some random youngling who don’t know what he’s talking about I saw this method and I’ve seen how it worked for the guy who did it and I thought it can be useful again especially for the chlorophyll part
Theres something to the chlorophyll thing, i personaly use the dryback method when i can. Maybe some have seen it mentioned that dryback does help...but that 'more trichomes' shit...yeah nah..not gonna let that fly. And for the record ganjaman, i did not call you stupid.
Theres something to the chlorophyll thing, i personaly use the dryback method when i can. Maybe some have seen it mentioned that dryback does help...but that 'more trichomes' shit...yeah nah..not gonna let that fly. And for the record ganjaman, i did not call you stupid.
But you gotta agree that if the plant believes this is it like it’s time is over then the plant is going to give everything it has into its final production it’s going to pump and push all of its final energy as much as it can into its bud and all the resin on the bud meaning ok fine if it don’t make more trichomes, it at least can cause unfinished ones to finish and mature faster meaning you can have more cloudy trichomes that are cloudy and amber rather than some still being clear you know
But you gotta agree that if the plant believes this is it like it’s time is over then the plant is going to give everything it has into its final production it’s going to pump and push all of its final energy as much as it can into its bud and all the resin on the bud meaning ok fine if it don’t make more trichomes, it at least can cause unfinished ones to finish and mature faster meaning you can have more cloudy trichomes that are cloudy and amber rather than some still being clear you know
Hey are you related to @Roger A. Shrubber by any chance? ...you remind me of him.
This put a couple things too rest for me
Yes lighting is important for sure but I definitely do believe that when the plant is getting more darkness it reacts as if it’s in the end of its life cycle causing it to start pumping all of its final but if energy into its final production meaning giving everything it has left as much as it can to its buds which can cause for non finish trichomes to at least become finished causing for more cloudy and amber and less possible clear ones, sure it may not end up making more and maturing them in two days I’ll give you that, but for the ones that are made already it can help the maturing process and also increase the potency of the trichomes
back to the original reason for this thread.
i've experimented. i grow clones mostly, and have left one in the flowering tent till harvest, put one in a tent by itself for the last two weeks, and given it 6 hours of light a day till harvest, and put one plant into total darkness 3 days before harvest...and could see no appreciable difference between the three plants. the one in darkness for 3 days before harvest didn't have a lot more frost, or a lot less than the other two, which were also very similar to each other...
not a valid, rigorous scientific experiment, but enough to satisfy myself that it was pointless to do anything but leave them in the flower tent till harvest
Wow I didn’t realise we had so many more people misunderstanding @GanjaMan420$ but it’s all of us and not him.

everyone else is closed minded lol.
Some of us old guys who have been doing this a LONG time, who have seen what the plant can & can't do, are close minded and not open to new ideas, LMAO
I'm open to new ideas, IF they work. And I'm one of the early growers who has tried all of the bro science, and knows what works for me. I grew my 1st crop in 1983 in corn fields across the street from my parents house, it was trash, 1984 was ok, 1985 was a bumper crop. Hell, we had so much in the corn fields, we got chased by the local task force because we left it out so long and it stuck out like a sore thumb and was spotted easily by the air patrol.
But I "forgot" where my roots came from, and supposedly think that commercial grows have all the pertinent knowledge and am a stuck up, close minded know it all. LOL
Your not reading what I said right
It’s funny that in many of your posts you start fights and then say no one reads your post right. Perhaps you have a very poor way of making a point and prefer to just argue and troll. Just my two cents, but I don’t think you even know what your own point is, or at least have the inability to write it down in a logical understandable way.
Some of us old guys who have been doing this a LONG time, who have seen what the plant can & can't do, are close minded and not open to new ideas, LMAO
I'm open to new ideas, IF they work. And I'm one of the early growers who has tried all of the bro science, and knows what works for me. I grew my 1st crop in 1983 in corn fields across the street from my parents house, it was trash, 1984 was ok, 1985 was a bumper crop. Hell, we had so much in the corn fields, we got chased by the local task force because we left it out so long and it stuck out like a sore thumb and was spotted easily by the air patrol.
But I "forgot" where my roots came from, and supposedly think that commercial grows have all the pertinent knowledge and am a stuck up, close minded know it all. LOL
It’s funny that in many of your posts you start fights and then say no one reads your post right. Perhaps you have a very poor way of making a point and prefer to just argue and troll. Just my two cents, but I don’t think you even know what your own point is, or at least have the inability to write it down in a logical understandable way.
This dude is off the charts...most fun addition ive seen in a looong time.

Have you guys had your warnings yet?

That’s not true, darkness before harvest is actually beneficial they say due to the fact that it stops the production of chlorophyll and can even start to break it down a bit, causing for better terpenes in your cannabis plus they say sometimes if you give a day of darkness before harvest it can even cause an extra production in trichomes which will also increase terpenes
Thats not a thing. nothing done or not done in the last few days of growing will increase or decrease terpenes. They are there or theyre not.

the only exception to this would be lights too hot/temps too high and the result of that would be terpene degradation not an increased amount.