Harvest! Lessons to learn


Well-Known Member

This is my second ever harvest and honestly I cared alot less this time and I actually think it payed off. I used 75w of Vero18s and my first grow ended at 50g with only one plant harvested in my 2.5x2.5x2 smaller grow room.

This time around I tried to flower earlier as it grew ”out of the box” but failed since they took WAY OFF in the hempy buckets and I had to snip a few tops because they would have ended up above the lights.

This time around the Blue Cheese still looked like crap and both Kush-strains (OG and this time Super Kush) became alot bigger and it makes me think the pheno of BC is just bad.

My biggest ”problem” now is that I think my buds are ”airy” but at the same time the top colas are burned from the lights and in the 2 last weeks the top colas all got foxtailing.

Its not that the colas are soft, they are hard but I think it looks like the hairs and fanleaves gives them a ”fluffy look” that I havent seen when I buy the herb instead of growing it.

It this a drying ”issue”?

Anyway, this time around Im hoping I break the 1g/w barrier and it should be possible.

They have been hanging for 48hrs now and still got some time before paperbags and then curing.



Well-Known Member

This is my second ever harvest and honestly I cared alot less this time and I actually think it payed off. I used 75w of Vero18s and my first grow ended at 50g with only one plant harvested in my 2.5x2.5x2 smaller grow room.

This time around I tried to flower earlier as it grew ”out of the box” but failed since they took WAY OFF in the hempy buckets and I had to snip a few tops because they would have ended up above the lights.

This time around the Blue Cheese still looked like crap and both Kush-strains (OG and this time Super Kush) became alot bigger and it makes me think the pheno of BC is just bad.

My biggest ”problem” now is that I think my buds are ”airy” but at the same time the top colas are burned from the lights and in the 2 last weeks the top colas all got foxtailing.

Its not that the colas are soft, they are hard but I think it looks like the hairs and fanleaves gives them a ”fluffy look” that I havent seen when I buy the herb instead of growing it.

It this a drying ”issue”?

Anyway, this time around Im hoping I break the 1g/w barrier and it should be possible.

They have been hanging for 48hrs now and still got some time before paperbags and then curing.
They look harvested 20 days too early, curing helps with eye appeal and bud tightness


Well-Known Member

This is my second ever harvest and honestly I cared alot less this time and I actually think it payed off. I used 75w of Vero18s and my first grow ended at 50g with only one plant harvested in my 2.5x2.5x2 smaller grow room.

This time around I tried to flower earlier as it grew ”out of the box” but failed since they took WAY OFF in the hempy buckets and I had to snip a few tops because they would have ended up above the lights.

This time around the Blue Cheese still looked like crap and both Kush-strains (OG and this time Super Kush) became alot bigger and it makes me think the pheno of BC is just bad.

My biggest ”problem” now is that I think my buds are ”airy” but at the same time the top colas are burned from the lights and in the 2 last weeks the top colas all got foxtailing.

Its not that the colas are soft, they are hard but I think it looks like the hairs and fanleaves gives them a ”fluffy look” that I havent seen when I buy the herb instead of growing it.

It this a drying ”issue”?

Anyway, this time around Im hoping I break the 1g/w barrier and it should be possible.

They have been hanging for 48hrs now and still got some time before paperbags and then curing.
Your number 1 lesson to learn from is u harvested way to early


Well-Known Member
Your number 1 lesson to learn from is u harvested way to early
Really? They are way past the weeks it should be harvested in. The only white terpentines are from foxtailing. Most bigger fanleaves was already dead. However I trimmed it way too much this time.


Well-Known Member
You could be underfeeding and towards the end of flower it dies off to soon and when that happens the plants lives off of the buds and eats them, making them airy..plus you need good lights to plump them up. Lots of PK at end of flower (maintain healthy foliage till harvest) and pick good genetics. Genetics is key


Well-Known Member
You could be underfeeding and towards the end of flower it dies off to soon and when that happens the plants lives off of the buds and eats them, making them airy..plus you need good lights to plump them up. Lots of PK at end of flower (maintain healthy foliage till harvest) and pick good genetics. Genetics is key
Thanks for answer.

I give them full strenght nutes with the Sensi formula for hydro, when I go up to full it usually get ”clawing” all over.

The lights have me wondering since they grow like crazy, get fat and by the end the colas get burned and starts to foxtail. This happened last time as well but only the last 2 weeks before I took it down.

BC genetics seems like garbage because its the second grow that it grows oddly and having much worse buds, like its not even a contest.

I think maybe calling it ”airy” is the wrong word, maybe ”fluffy” is better because the bud itself is dense but its hasnt that ”compact” look where it almost looks like the bud imploded to a hard ball.

This bud is from my previous grow and this looks the same.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for answer.

I give them full strenght nutes with the Sensi formula for hydro, when I go up to full it usually get ”clawing” all over.

The lights have me wondering since they grow like crazy, get fat and by the end the colas get burned and starts to foxtail. This happened last time as well but only the last 2 weeks before I took it down.

BC genetics seems like garbage because its the second grow that it grows oddly and having much worse buds, like its not even a contest.

I think maybe calling it ”airy” is the wrong word, maybe ”fluffy” is better because the bud itself is dense but its hasnt that ”compact” look where it almost looks like the bud imploded to a hard ball.

This bud is from my previous grow and this looks the same.
That bud was harvested early too, patience is key to quality nugs


Well-Known Member
Ya I agree. As for the foxtailing, how close are the lights? And you can't go fully by the breeders harvest time.
They are close, around 4”. They are driven very low, only 15w for each Vero18. The burning happens when/after the foxtailing starts.

Foxtailing only occured the last two weeks on both grows. I know I cant go by breeders but if its a 7-9w strain and I flower for 12w since 12/12 something most be off?

I get clawing and Ive had to supp with cal and mag, I think its odd since its that ”formula” from Sensi and they usually have a good rep, correct?

Its hempy buckets, 75/25 perli vermi. I know my tent is small and the temps is in the upper ranges but usually hover 80-85f, last grow was in the winter so it was in the lower range.

Its like they swell very noticably and the pistills all turn orange/brown and then the foxtailing starts and all the white hairs appear from those spots.


Well-Known Member
I haven't tried COB's, but from what I heard they should be further away than 4", and are supposed to be kept on the highest setting during flower. But I haven't tried em, so someone with more knowledge of em should comment on that.

The breeders flowering time is based on perfect conditions. Most of us don't have perfect conditions. And if the plant is having nutrient issues during flower it might take longer to finish.


Well-Known Member
So you harvested at 12th week of flower? What did you feed the plant? You said Sensi formula?? Just one thing? What’s the NPK ratio?

Thanks for answer.

I give them full strenght nutes with the Sensi formula for hydro, when I go up to full it usually get ”clawing” all over.

The lights have me wondering since they grow like crazy, get fat and by the end the colas get burned and starts to foxtail. This happened last time as well but only the last 2 weeks before I took it down.

BC genetics seems like garbage because its the second grow that it grows oddly and having much worse buds, like its not even a contest.

I think maybe calling it ”airy” is the wrong word, maybe ”fluffy” is better because the bud itself is dense but its hasnt that ”compact” look where it almost looks like the bud imploded to a hard ball.

This bud is from my previous grow and this looks the same.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Maybe shitty genetics then if you said they were on a 12/12 cycle for 12 weeks. I don’t use advanced nutrients anymore and never will but if I were you I’d add a finisher like flawless finisher next time and add some Bud Candy or whatever hydro guys use these days lol
I’m an organic grower so I just use molasses for carbs and banana peel water/ grinded dried banana peel for a finisher late in flower


Well-Known Member
Maybe shitty genetics then if you said they were on a 12/12 cycle for 12 weeks. I don’t use advanced nutrients anymore and never will but if I were you I’d add a finisher like flawless finisher next time and add some Bud Candy or whatever hydro guys use these days lol
I’m an organic grower so I just use molasses for carbs and banana peel water/ grinded dried banana peel for a finisher late in flower
I will try different genetics and add something for ”bud enhancement”. Im almost tempted in trying another light too but a good led like 300$ for 70-100w. I have problem with heat with leds and can forget about other lights.

Is there any reason you dont like that brand or is it simply because you are growing organic?

I will post a picture on the type of bud I am looking for, I havent seen it looking like that on any grows while its chopped. Is there more to it for getting that ”good look”..?



Well-Known Member
Yes, both has been going that late and the budshot is exatcly 12w from 12/12.

This is what I feed in flower, and the grow-formula in veg. https://www.onestopgrowshop.co.uk/products/advanced-nutrients-sensi-bloom-a-b

Work up to 4ml/l after ~2w from 2ml/l

I also added cal and mag.
One big thing I try to point out to people is that FLOWERING does not begin at 12/12, it begins when the plant starts to form flowers. Some times because of environment or genetics plants take longer to TRANSITION from veg to flower. That transition period might only take 5-7 days on some mature plants in a good environment. The same genetics in a less ideal grow can take 20+ days if the environment isn't correct.

I don't have any dry bud pictures, but there are pictures here:https://www.rollitup.org/t/thundercats-groooooooow.131193/page-205 of some plants I cut a couple of months back. The buds dry up nice and get trimmed to look similar to your picture.

Good buds require good genetics, enough light, a good environment, and plenty of time to finish growing properly. You don't need tons of nutrients or additives. Letting plants really finish growing and ripening is huge. Lots of bud density happens in the last 2ish weeks AFTER the stigma(pistils) change and receed. Most of the ripening happens after that point as well.


Well-Known Member
One big thing I try to point out to people is that FLOWERING does not begin at 12/12, it begins when the plant starts to form flowers. Some times because of environment or genetics plants take longer to TRANSITION from veg to flower. That transition period might only take 5-7 days on some mature plants in a good environment. The same genetics in a less ideal grow can take 20+ days if the environment isn't correct.

I don't have any dry bud pictures, but there are pictures here:https://www.rollitup.org/t/thundercats-groooooooow.131193/page-205 of some plants I cut a couple of months back. The buds dry up nice and get trimmed to look similar to your picture.

Good buds require good genetics, enough light, a good environment, and plenty of time to finish growing properly. You don't need tons of nutrients or additives. Letting plants really finish growing and ripening is huge. Lots of bud density happens in the last 2ish weeks AFTER the stigma(pistils) change and receed. Most of the ripening happens after that point as well.
Thank you.

When you put it like that I know Ive stressed the plants after switching to 12/12 because they stretch an insane amount. I mean I know they do and planned for it but it was way more than I anticipated and I had to bend, pull down and even cut some tops.

First flowers that are the size of the top of a finger usually formed about 2w after switch and they dont stretch much after that point.

Im thinking about adding some additives for early and late flower or change something else. Its not that the product is bad or average, but I always aim for better.


Well-Known Member
One big thing I try to point out to people is that FLOWERING does not begin at 12/12, it begins when the plant starts to form flowers. Some times because of environment or genetics plants take longer to TRANSITION from veg to flower. That transition period might only take 5-7 days on some mature plants in a good environment. The same genetics in a less ideal grow can take 20+ days if the environment isn't correct.

I don't have any dry bud pictures, but there are pictures here:https://www.rollitup.org/t/thundercats-groooooooow.131193/page-205 of some plants I cut a couple of months back. The buds dry up nice and get trimmed to look similar to your picture.

Good buds require good genetics, enough light, a good environment, and plenty of time to finish growing properly. You don't need tons of nutrients or additives. Letting plants really finish growing and ripening is huge. Lots of bud density happens in the last 2ish weeks AFTER the stigma(pistils) change and receed. Most of the ripening happens after that point as well.
yeah, i agree, start flower day count when first pistil is visible is my rule of thumb. Every keeps chopping 2 weeks early, because of the "dueDate" but if you start first visible, then you have about 2 weeks usually added on.