Harvest now or wait?

dos lunge

Active Member
This medusa plant is going on 6 weeks, and I am leaving town soon. I am not sure if i should leave it up, or take it down early to be safe. Im going to be gone for a week when the plant is hitting 8 weeks flowering time. I would have to get a friend of mine to drop by every couple days to water and check on it if i did leave it up. I think he would be willing to help, but i would probably have to bribe him with bud. I would much rather not leave it up for that long without me looking after it. why?
first: i worry a lot about them, and I would be thinking about this my entire vacation.
second: I have a small ozone gen. but the medusa is going to smell a lot more when i am gone. Not a good thing.
third: This town gets deserted over christmas break, and people keep getting busted around here for mj. If i left them up, it would just be my plants and the fuzz here over break.
So what do you think, leave her up, or take her down?

Emerald Isles

Active Member
6 weeks is still a bit soon to be cutting, although it does depend on the plant, why not cut them down on your last day and when you return you'll have beautiful bug awaying your arrival ;-)


Well-Known Member
The whole 8 week flowering time thats constantly perpetuated is silly & not even close to being an accurate indicator of when a plant is ready to harvest,ive yet to have a plant ready to harvest at the 8 week mark,even when growing strains listed as fast finishers,im allways closer to the 12 week mark then i am the 8 week mark but i wait for maximum honey colored trichomes for the heavy stone.

IMO if you harvest now your going to be doing so a month too early & loose much potency & overall weight,the final weeks are where they really pack on the poundage.


Well-Known Member
i agree ... harvesting almost any plant at 6 or 7 weeks is atleast 2 weeks early and the last weeks are when you really put on weight and potency.
i say get your buddy to watch them .. make sure you can trust them and bribe him with some bud. and then relax on your vacation knowing you can trust your friend.
if you cant trust him enough to leave and not worry you cant trust him at all.


Well-Known Member
The whole 8 week flowering time thats constantly perpetuated is silly & not even close to being an accurate indicator of when a plant is ready to harvest,ive yet to have a plant ready to harvest at the 8 week mark,even when growing strains listed as fast finishers,im allways closer to the 12 week mark then i am the 8 week mark but i wait for maximum honey colored trichomes for the heavy stone.

IMO if you harvest now your going to be doing so a month too early & loose much potency & overall weight,the final weeks are where they really pack on the poundage.
Agree 100%