Harvest opinion please

Just wanted to add to my original thread and ask what you guys think best to support these girls. After the consensus I have some time to go, I think I need to add some support. Starting to get a good lean on a couple.
I have a fence that runs the height of the plants, probably a bit higher, fence close to 10feet. Plants seem to lean away from it, so was just thinking of using some twine and tyimg it to the fence. Perhaps add a few 6 foot bamboo supports. Use some Velcro plant tape to secure. Stalks are pretty hardy. But don’t want to risk with some rain and cooler temps forecast. I’ll attach pics. You can hopefully make out the lean, and the fence I’m working with, and stalk size at base, and top cola. Thanks in advance.
Couple 6’ stakes Velcro taped to main stalk, and vinyl tape back to fence. I think they will be ok. I can always add more vinyl tape to existing supports to support branches now, if need be. Now we pray the weather holds.
Couple 6’ stakes Velcro taped to main stalk, and vinyl tape back to fence. I think they will be ok. I can always add more vinyl tape to existing supports to support branches now, if need be. Now we pray the weather holds.
Not sure why my pics are always cut off half way. ??
So what’s the purpose of a fast version than? I thought it’s supposed to speed up the harvest by 1-2 weeks? Kinda frustrating, I chose it based on those 1-2 weeks quicker finish, for here up North that’s the difference between a possible frost or freeze. Week 7 comes to an end sept 15. It’s supposed to be a 7 week flower.

There is no supposed finish … plant will finish when it finishes… marketing bs on description. Plants do not run on calendars - their own internal life clock dictates finish as well as your skill / environment/ etc.

@Thundercat pretty much covered all of it.
There is no supposed finish … plant will finish when it finishes… marketing bs on description. Plants do not run on calendars - their own internal life clock dictates finish as well as your skill / environment/ etc.

@Thundercat pretty much covered all of it.
Thanks. I should have started a new thread for my updates. They were related to supports. New to the forum. Your right this was covered. And I’m definitely in the know now. But you guys sure are correct on “fast” being a bunch a bs. I guess I’m just surprised breeders get away with it. My second grow, so should have come here first. Live and learn.
Thanks. I should have started a new thread for my updates. They were related to supports. New to the forum. Your right this was covered. And I’m definitely in the know now. But you guys sure are correct on “fast” being a bunch a bs. I guess I’m just surprised breeders get away with it. My second grow, so should have come here first. Live and learn.
Its hard to base things on marketing these days, most of the time its inaccurate and just a ploy, a lot of breeders these days will say just about anything to get a sell.
I didn’t mean to add the question mark. My bad. Yup. 10 days. Really starting to fill out, couple, few more weeks hopefully bring a guy to that 4-5. Weather looking good.
Heres some info I share with new growers.

The signs of ripeness are pretty standard for cannabis plants.

First a few of the pistils begin turning color and start receding. Your plant is just starting to ripen. Depending on the strain you could still have two months to go. We're just starting this journey.

Two to four weeks later you'll notice that most of the pistils(>80%) have now changed color and curled back into the bud. It's frosty, way bigger than it was a few weeks ago(aren't you glad you waited), and smells dank! It's time, right? Not a chance killer. Patience is a virtue.

Over the next 2-3 weeks it doesn't look much different, maybe a little more swelling in the calyxes, and the rest of the pistils change over, but the stems are starting to bend under the weight of the buds. These ladies are putting on weight internally by adding density and now the buds are doing their final ripening.

Now you begin looking at trichomes, on the calyx, not the leaves, and harvest according to your preference. When looking at trichomes it’s essential to look at them from the side. The bulbous heads can magnify the opaque stalk under it. Looking from the side allows you to more accurately see the condition of the resin in the trichome head.

There is still no rush to harvest, the window just opened, and you have several weeks before you MIGHT start having to think about it possibly beginning to get too ripe. It takes WEEKS for plants to mature not days.

It is very easy to harvest a plant to early. It is very hard to harvest a plant to late. I’ve never seen someone accidentally wait too long.

Great breakdown!
Definitely took a screen shot so I can read it every time I think of chopping... haha