Harvest or not to harvest(yellow leaves)


Well-Known Member
Looks like you need to feed those girls and let them grow another 3 or 4 more weeks. Those buds still have a lot of fattening up to do. If you harvest now you will be greatly disappointed. You also need to check the color of the trics.
Looks like you need to feed those girls and let them grow another 3 or 4 more weeks. Those buds still have a lot of fattening up to do. If you harvest now you will be greatly disappointed. You also need to check the color of the trics.
Thank, you but what about all the leaves turning yellow, should I do something about it


Well-Known Member
Not much you can do about the leaves that are already yellow but you can prevent future growth from going deficient if you feed And feeding will also help aid in bud development. Feel free to pick off the fully yellow leaves as they do not help supply the plant with any benefit. Leave the partial yellow leaves there as the plant is still sucking nutrients from the leaves since it cannot find any in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Thank, you but what about all the leaves turning yellow, should I do something about it
As the man said....feed it. I find a bit of Epsom salts in around the base and then a good seaweed solution will get her back on track.....all is not lost; but definitely not even close. Don’t get too caught up with the whole trichome thing ( although accurate) can be a mind fuck for someone with minimal experience; just look for receeding pistils and swollen calyxes....you will know; she will be fat and angry looking ....enjoy