Harvest or not?


I have 6 plants that are close to harvest. The trichomes are mostly milky white with a little amber. I was going to wait another week but it's supposed to rain for 2 days starting tomorrow. Usually that wouldn't be an issue as it gets into the hundreds in this area but the weather says we are looking at highs in the upper 70's for the week after the rain. Should I pull my ladies?


Active Member
you should have a few weeks left shouldnt you. Mine are just going into their final plumping stage. I would wait 1 week at least after the rain, I had some rain here in Northern Cali a few days back, Two days, wind , lightening. I went out there and the hairs were slightly brown at tips. They recovered, I would wait a week after it rains, unless ur worried about theives, they come out in about a week
show pic of you can


Well-Known Member
dont harvest yet man. all this time and effort for a product that isnt finished,
just get a tarp like the other guy said, or some kind of cover to keep of the rain. or even bring them inside next to a window while its raining, i shouldnt think two days of that would hurt her when they are this far in flowering.
just try not to get them to wet, especially if they are dense buds, its easier for mold to find a home!. just keep them dry by any means possible and all should be fine.
and dont harvest yet! :D

peace man


They are now safe under a giant pvc and clear plastic tent. Getting 12 plants under it was tricky but I feel better now.