Harvest soon!! But how soon?


Active Member
Should I wait or should I cut her down? There are some pistils turned red but very few I would say maybe 10-20 % but they turned that way over a week ago and I haven't seen any further changes. I think the trichome have thickened but I'm so damn anxious I can't tell. Any suggestions would be great!!

Also it is a hermie and I've cut off the lowest branches with most of the pollen sacs. So I'm not sure if I should just harvest it before it ends up all seeds?



Active Member
Damn patience is killing me! Thanks for the quick response everyone you might have saved he/she's life. Still a little worried about it pollenating itself, or is that damage already done?


Active Member
If you can tell in the pic I would say 70% of the pistils have turned to a light orange color. There are a few that are darker red and some still yellowish. I'm just not sure if they will all turn darker red or if I should just cut her down?

I just watered her and think I'm gonna give here another couple days to a week unless you think she's ready then I might chain saw the bitch down. haha



Well-Known Member
gonna be some smooth shit if you dry and cure it long enuf, ive heard curing 4 2 months makes the bud way more fragrant and more POTENT and has a better appearance than shorter cure times