Harvest Time: A Tutorial


Active Member
very nice piece! I am a couple few weeks from harvest i cant wait
Hi, i'm back :). i want to post new pictures of my plant because i don't know how much should i keep her. New layer of buds appeared. Should i cut the mature ones and should i leave the small ones to grow? When do you think i should harvest?

Grow journal:
Veg period 61 days with hps 400w (24/0 light - 5 weeks with 2 clf [110w both]
- 4 weeks hps 400w)
Flowering 74 days with 12/12 light hps 400w.



Active Member
Damn, I would say more than 2 - 3 feet if it's a 600 watter over newly sprouted seeds. When I sprout seeds I just a couple of growlux bulbs a foot away or so over a humidity dome until the seeds are sprouted and have some roots. After they have some roots I transplant to a bigger container and move under a higher powered light moved as far away as I can get it. After that I move it 3 inches or so closer every day until it's the appropriate distance away.

As long as they don't look burned I guess that could work but I would think it would stress it. But hell if I know, I'm only going into my second grow.

Hope that helps


Active Member
I found removing as much stem as possable when trimming greatly improves the taste. The stems seem to wick flavor out of the buds. Then I put it in tupperware open until outside of bud is dry. then cover for 1/2 day til dry


When the plants are hanging up drying do they need to be in a dark place as wel?


Well-Known Member
have you ever heard of cutting the whole thing at night? my buddy was telling thats the best to do because when the plan is sleeping, all the chlorophyll in the plan get stored in the root-ball for storage since the plant is not photosynthesizing. says its a smoother smoke and easier to burn when fully dried and cured.
but i haven't tried it.... yet so no personal opinions to fully back this up :-P


Well-Known Member
\well i gave what i was told by harvesting in the dark/at night

i read in high times if ya don't give it water for a good 24 to 48 hours before harvest cut resin production increase by i believe 15% thats what Jorge Cervantes claims