Harvest Time: A Tutorial

Room humidity........it should sit between 50-60 to achieve the best results with temps(temperature)hovering around 20-22.......if you can stay in this ballpark then your smoke should be more than enjoyable........also......remember a good cure is VITAL to bring the best out of your hard earned buds......enjoy...
image.jpg image.jpg I forgot to write down the date of flip on this girl. GGG cornerstone. It's around 9-10 weeks. Some of the GGG I've grown goes a long time. The pistils turned brown and leaf tips all burnt early due to too much fish bone meal I think. After a while it began producing new pistils. Trics are mostly cloudy some clear and amber. She's still taking up water. I'll take her down soon. Has anyone got input on the new pistil growth? Should I ignore them and just focus on tric?
It's just not very frosty. I had to dig in to find good trics to check. I'm trimming right now. What a pain this plant is. Loose trim is what she's getting.
my first attempt at grow ,outer is starting to go brown still sticky inner is still very green is this ok to cut ? as dont want to leave it to over ripen
View attachment 3526051 View attachment 3526052 I forgot to write down the date of flip on this girl. GGG cornerstone. It's around 9-10 weeks. Some of the GGG I've grown goes a long time. The pistils turned brown and leaf tips all burnt early due to too much fish bone meal I think. After a while it began producing new pistils. Trics are mostly cloudy some clear and amber. She's still taking up water. I'll take her down soon. Has anyone got input on the new pistil growth? Should I ignore them and just focus on tric?
no where near ready aint even started crowning yet,for get the pistols go n the crowns,look for this this is ready553732_360419987385958_627250914_n.jpg
And this is about 2 week away from been picked,Don't rush the last few week its when the plant gets its weight,and in my opinion, it's taste has long has you do not over cook it,Some strain's taste really nice when picked,just a bit early like cheese,also psychosister from under ground seeds.036.jpg 037.jpg 039.jpg 041.JPG I understand that some time's you have no option then to pick it early,but if possible wait .You have waited for the other week's so a bit longer won't hurt,its where,most new grower's go wrong they pick a week or two too early.This is the strain that i have been working on for a couple of year now ,uk clone cheese only,But it's getting msnl's blueberry thrown on it this coming year,just for the blue lavender color that i know that blueberry drys too.Think that this is going to be a record yeild wise its a monster.one plant just to see what she would do if she had the room to her self


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I had all kind of plan's to do with this plant,i was going to add this and that.Im looking for a name for it any idea's I found out the male pollen i used was that of sycosis x super silver haze.

So the cross is sycosis x super silver haze
The female's used was exodus cheese x blues livers.

Took some time to get the plant where i wanted it ,but i love the stuff,every single person that has smoked itover the christmas period in local bars have all said the same,where is it from and where can they get some,makes you smile that does when you see people wanting stuff you have done your self,and also chuckle at some of the things you hear one lad said it was some stuff his friend brought back from the us ffs,till i said the spliff was from us,he still said it was him family that had that genetic line some people pmsl,i let him have his few orders for it,some how i can't see me getting it its mine all mine.

But i aint adding nothing to it by far the nicest smoke i have had in a very very long time the oil ,that i made from it is brilliant for pain and sleep so she is getting left alone,no use doing any thing to some thing that is so nice to start with.

Very fast flowering time too,i picked it at 9 week for a grower that wanted to hit and run on a a large scale,the buds are perfectly ready at 8 week though i just like that extra week of crowing.

The next set are ready to go there around 3 ft tall took all the bottom's of yesterday,that will be jack herer,its been far too long with me not having jack herer in the garden in the mother room she all ways has pride of place,so i keep you up dated with her,just done my last half oz of jack so its time to re load i think,

Some one had some white widow and a q of ak47 with them i bought the ak47 it was like meeting a old friend that i aint seen for years,lovely bud a little under cooked but was still very nice,the white widow i aint keen of never have been really it's ok for breeding,with but has a smoke it aint for me.
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Room humidity........it should sit between 50-60 to achieve the best results with temps(temperature)hovering around 20-22.......if you can stay in this ballpark then your smoke should be more than enjoyable........also......remember a good cure is VITAL to bring the best out of your hard earned buds......enjoy...
Hello i am fairly new here on my 1st grow going to harvest in 1-2weeks just thinking about when i cut down and hang up in my tent with the filter/fan on so it will not stink the place up but my temp will be 15-18°C and RH around 55-65% will this be okey? Is it going to dry out to quickly ? Any help with the temps and rh in the dry area would be appreciated :)
please do not post in this thread until you see the happy plumber. thanks.

i've been trimming for 12 hours non stop so please bear with me.

we will start with ripeness. most people say to check your trichromes with 30X magnification. i have other ways. when buds are done they look "done". the appearance of the bud changes. the leaves start to hook upwards and become hard and crispy. the calyxes will swell and the hairs will turn brown. you can see a golden tinge to the bud leaves. this is the amber crystals. they start to turn amber on the leaves first.

not ready..........

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notice the difference? it's pretty easy to see once it occurs. :mrgreen:
They all look cloudy to me,lol
Hello i am fairly new here on my 1st grow going to harvest in 1-2weeks just thinking about when i cut down and hang up in my tent with the filter/fan on so it will not stink the place up but my temp will be 15-18°C and RH around 55-65% will this be okey? Is it going to dry out to quickly ? Any help with the temps and rh in the dry area would be appreciated :)

No, that's exactly where you want things to be. Should take 7 full days until ready, when the stem bends then snaps is about when I jar mine. At those levels (which are optimum) I would be more worried about mold in the jars on the next step.

Don't forget to burp your jars, and if you get a high humidity that day, just keep them jar'd till the humidity goes down the next day. I've done that before in the past, came in the next day and found mold starting in one jar...was really pissed off.

If you ever get mold, the safest route is to water cure. Soak in water and let them dry out for 23-48 hours. Sounds counter intuitive but it works and can really save your harvest if you find a jar gone funky.