fdd, I read the entire thread and I'm pretty sure this hasn't been fully addressed. I'm doing an organic grow for my daughter. I am her California State Health Dept. registered primary caregiver. She has a lot of pain from her TMJ and MMJ helps her deal with the pain. The only thing is that she can tend to get very paranoid. This has to do with trimming the buds. I read somewhere that CBD's are on the "sugar leaves" in greater quantity than THC. That's the reason most people cut them off. But, CBD's have been proven to work with THC to bolster it's medical effects while moderating its psychoactivity. "CBD is thought to have anti-psychotic effects, dampening anxiety and panic reactions to THC" <-----Medical Marijuana Handbook. For long time smokers this usually isn't a problem but wouldn't it be worth considering leaving a little bit more leaf?