Harvest time?? Auto Skywalker haze Week 12 Indoor


Active Member
As far as the Seedbank they say this Auto flower is 12 weeks ready to harvest. This is only my 3rd grow and I think I have been Timing it wrong I can't get any trichome pics but i see some cloudy and maybe 10% amber. I know it's any day now I would just rather be a little late and then too early. I plan to hang dry then cure in vacuum jars.



Active Member
As far as the Seedbank they say this Auto flower is 12 weeks ready to harvest. This is only my 3rd grow and I think I have been Timing it wrong I can't get any trichome pics but i see some cloudy and maybe 10% amber. I know it's any day now I would just rather be a little late and then too early. I plan to hang dry then cure in vacuum jars.
Also where is the best place to check the trichomes, I have a decent magnifier nothing special. I have been using sugar leaves


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately it looks like it will give up the ghost before actually finishing. It needed a better feed than “ cha ching “ which is BTW a supplement to a feed.

It is showing symptoms like cannibalizing itself for nutes. Tip necropsy and yellow margins mimic burn but is deficient in P and K. It literally is on vapors.

That is why it is crawled to a stop .

Autos do not need complicated feeds - most of its growth can be done on the bagged medium upfront for weeks with occasional “ recharging “ as plant exhausts it.

Leaf matter is pretty much done and isn’t doing much for photosynthesis.

Stardog FPV

Well-Known Member
I'm a new grower too, those look exactly like my first couple of crops when I was so worried about over doing it I was actually starving my plants.

It'll still smoke but don't smoke those brown dried leaves, into the trash they go.

I started using the mega crop powered nutrients and so far they are doing great, don't be afraid to feed them heavy when they are producing buds.


Well-Known Member
Also I have another plant same auto Skywalker haze but this one is a little behind. Any tips to help this one along?
What bloom feed do you have ?
What is the medium ?

This one is starting to show increasing deficiencies.
However even if you correct - leaf will not magically heal. You are just trying to stop the progression.



Well-Known Member
Also - how often do you water that plant ?

Sometimes overwatering shows brown tips at serrated edges like that too .