harvest time for my friend

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Well-Known Member
I don't know who's stupider: you for thinking you can get away with it, or your "best friend" for actually trusting a piece of s#it like you?

Even if you do go through with it and think you have succeeded, karma/universal order/Allah's justice will get you when you least expect it.


Well-Known Member
This is the reason why the number one rule is tell no one!

What a tool i hope this was a joke :cuss::finger:

EXACTLY! proves your "best bud" will fuck your girlfriend and steal your weed





Well-Known Member
Karmas a bitch bro!!! Actually it is this point in time whether he will make his decision to steal or to not steal, he said he was doing it tonight, he might have already done it!!! I can hear the KARMA train a-comin...


Well-Known Member
Hey why dont you just grab some ether and butt fuck him to you low life hunk of shit

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
if you did that to me i would take you to the railroad tracks and wait for the loud ass train to come by and blow your face off with a 12 gauge, and leave your body on the tracks to get eattin' by wild shit, or just get minced buy the next train... eighter way your mother would be very upset.


New Member
haha the funny thing is i completely made up this post because i thought it would be fun to get home drunk tonight like i just have and read all the forum geeks freaking out on here. I would like to thank you all for a great laugh and i just wonder if yall got anything better to do... later


Well-Known Member
ur a fag and u probly just got home from his house with ur stolen goods u faggot peice of shit....somebody needs to boot him from the web site asap!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
haha the funny thing is i completely made up this post because i thought it would be fun to get home drunk tonight like i just have and read all the forum geeks freaking out on here. I would like to thank you all for a great laugh and i just wonder if yall got anything better to do... later
while ur spending a lot of money getting drunk, all of us forum geeks are getting stoned on the best buds in the world, have fun thinking or that after a beer or two eh?


New Member
k buddy i can promise the buds im chiefin on are way danker than yours, but if you dont choose to drink thats okay with me, but i think i will grab another brew, later :hump:


New Member
but any way im goin out for a little while going to take a quick hash hit from my own product catch yall fags later. think of that while your chiefin your mid, eh?



Well-Known Member
Wow i cant believe this post how much greed do you have in your heart.If you were not a fuckin retard you would find out how your friend grows and learn as much from him as you can. Maybe ask him for some clones or seeds and start your own crop.Rippers deserve to be shot in the face.And at your rate you might be looking at that. I myself would give you something to remeber if you ever ripped me. If this guy wants to give you a half oz thats good for triming a couple z's. If your really greedy though you better off waiting for this guy to leave his house and then jack his stash.


Well-Known Member
your right i don't drink beer that often, i like scotch a lot better, and if your growing so much "dank" why do u gota steal it from your friend? cause even if u didn't you did think of it. and next time you feel like insulting somebody you have never meet and don't know anything about, show some balls and do it to there face. if u can only get ur shits and gigs from doing stupid shit to people that don't know ur name and can't do anything about it then clearly you aren't smoking enough, because every stoner i know at least has some descency. usually i won't write this long of a reply for anything but people like you bother me, and if i saw u out on the street i'd give you a swift kick in the gonads because u clearly don't deserve them


Well-Known Member
dude your a big piece of
shit and your a greedy fuck dude i dont know how the fuck you have friends if you did that shit to anyone down here in cali im sure you will be killed fuck i hate assholes like you weather your playing around or not shit you should be happy that some1 would offer you a whole once just to help them trim some leafs off dude fuck your self and do everyone a favor and dont come back asshole


New Member
man i cant tell you how bad that hurt my feelings i might not be able to sleep knowing that a bunch of wanna be growers on here are mad at me... damn what should i do? maybe ill just take a bong hit of this ice cream to ease the pain a little.. gotta go :weed::weed::weed::weed:
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